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{Canada's POV}
We raced down and wore our warm clothes and boots and I grabbed my keys and opened the door. We used my car and I started it once Aussie was inside.

I was speeding a bit but I could control the car even with snow. Aussie told me to calm down with the speed because he was too young to die but I kept the speed quite fast.

I parked my car after a 30 minute drive when it's normally 45 minutes. I got out of the car and locked it when Aussie came out with the book. We went to the front door of a big mansion and I knocked. A maid opened it and was skeptical before mom came out from a corner.

-My kids! My mom shouted and ran towards both of us and gave us a big hug.

I had to hug her back no matter what. The maid walked away after bowing in front of mom. My mom invited us inside for some biscuits and before I could deny, Aussie shouted yes and mom just giggled and brought us to the dining room. I sat next to Aussie and after some time, the maids handed us cups of tea and biscuits.

-Where's father, mom? I asked and started to blow on the tea to cool it down.

-He should be back home soon... She said hesitantly.

-Is something wrong mom? Aussie asked and started to worry.

-Well, your father has been quite busy with work so I'm just worried, nothing big.

-Are you lonely? I asked and got up to give her a hug.

She nodded but with a small smile and went to hug me. She rest her head on my chest and I looked at Aussie. He got up and went to hug his mother from behind and she giggled.

-Enough about me, it's about you guys now. Do any of you have a girlfriend? She asked and both of us turned away.

I turned back with a questioned look at Aussie. He felt it and looked at me. His face turned red and looked away again.

-You like someone?! I shouted in surprise and mom laughed at my reaction.


-Who sweetheart? Mom asked and turned to him.

-I ain't saying it! Ask Nada! He has a young lady in his house! Aussie fought back and pointed at me.

I shot him a death glare. Mom turned around instantly and had sparkles in her eyes like she always has when we talk about our crushes.

-T'as une fille chez toi? C'est qui? Elle s'appelle comment? Raconte tout! (You have a girl at your house? Who is it? What's her name? Tell me everything!)

-Plus maintenant... (Not anymore...)

-T'as foutu quoi? (What did you do?) She asked and slapped my arm.

-Aïe! J'ai raconté des choses pas vrai d'acc! (Ow! I said something not true on her okay!)

-Mais, pourquoi? Le Canada que je sais ne ferais jamais ça! (But, why? The Canada that I know will never do that!)

-C'était un accident! J'étais stréssé! Il y avait du monde qui voulais nous tué! (It was an accident! I was stressed! There were people who wanted to kill us!)

-Who wanted to kill you?! Father's voice called out from behind which surprised all of us.

-Ah! Cherie, t'es là! Je vais aller preparer du thé pour toi, d'acc? (Ah! Honey, you're here! I'll go prepare some tea for you, alright?)

-No need. Love, why don't you stay with us and chat with us a bit? Father had his eyes on me and mom nodded. Good, now let us go to the living room, shall we?

-Yes father.

-Yes dad.

We all followed him and I sat down on the opposite of the couch that father sat on. Aussie placed the thick book on the table that was in front of father and sat down beside him.

-Now, Canada. What's the reason for you having a lady in your house and also for you almost getting killed?

I took a deep breath and told him everything. From the starting point till now. None of them tried to stop my story and father looked at me, trying to understand my story. When I was done, everyone was quiet. Aussie had his eyes down and mom felt uncomfortable with the long silence.

-I'm going-

-Love, stay.

-Yes cherie.

He was examining my face and I looked at his eyes, trying to calm myself down. He sighed and looked down at the letter that I handed to him while talking my story.

-I can almost read the handwriting and there are a lot of grammar mistakes. But the thing that I don't understand is, why would there be a letter translating some key words that was circled in the book in english?

-Maybe it's because they knew Nada was going to buy the land, and so soon he will have to find that out! Aussie suggested and I thought about it.

-Or, like I said, the land that I brought used to be her mother's, so maybe it was meant for her when she finds the book. Because I think she speaks modern Ukrainian. And she could loose some of the old Ukrainian. Like how both of us completely forgot how to speak old english because we rarely use it, and we had to go to father and waste his time to code the words out.

-Well, the possibilities are endless. It can go to something simple to extreme if we think it too much. Father added as he writes on a piece of paper the english words while mom looks over his shoulder and gave him some examples.

-How can mom know old english? Aussie asked and I was surprised he didn't know.

-Because old english was created thanks to Greek or Latin, which I speak, mon cher.

-Ah, I didn't know.

-Well son, a lot of languages were copied from greek or latin. As for example, the Slavic mostly copies on Greek, however, French is mostly copied from latin. Father explained and kept his eyes on the letter.

Me and Aussie waited patiently but wanted father to speed up a bit. When he placed his expensive pen on the table and looked at me with a satisfied smile, I smiled widely. He handed me the new paper and I thanked him while taking the book as well. At the front door, I kissed my mom and nodded at father before I dragged Aussie to come with me towards the car because he wouldn't let mom go from the hug he was giving her.

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