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{Ukraine's POV}
I was blindfolded but I listened with my ears. I didn't do any movement and tried to make my body to not be stiff. I was chained up and I didn't want to attract my kidnapper so I didn't move.

I heard a heavy metal door opening near me so I instantly kept quiet. I could hear two people coming near me so I kept my breathing low. I needed to make sure that I looked unconscious. Two fingers rest on my neck to check my pulse and pulled back when the person saw that it was steady and slow.

-Weird, normally she would be awake by now. Did you put extra? The first voice sounded familiar.

-No, I put as the exact amount you asked for. The second voice was much more... dead but familiar as well.

-I guess we can start with the dog then. Bring him in.

-Yes sir.

Someone exited but I knew someone was in front of me, staring at me. I forced myself to stay calm. I was right about the person being in front of me because he did a big sigh and walked somewhere, but he was still in the room.

It was quiet so I took advantage of it and tried to listen any noises breaking the silence. Everything sounded electrical and mechanic. I could here some sparks from the distant so I knew I was in the safe zone. I touched the wall behind me with my fingers slowly to not make any noise with the chains. The wall felt like marble. I touched the chain that made both of my hands stay together and felt something. A beeping noise was turned on and I instantly let go and kept my breathing a calm pace. I heard someone, probably the person that was in the same room as me, got up brutally from a rolling chair. I could felt eyes staring at me. He walked towards me slowly but luckily, Ace barked. The eyes turned away to observe the bark and inside myself, I was really relieved.

I could hear growling coming from Ace and chain noise was made. Probably him trying to fight back. I felt a presence near me and was coming closer to me. I smelled his scent and when he let go of the chains around me, I gave a punch in the face and pulled down the blindfold. I looked at Ace who was showing his teeth and pounded onto the one who brought him into this room.

I looked down at the person I punched and his nose was bleeding. He wanted to get back up but I jumped onto him and made him stay on the ground. I looked around for my necklace and saw it in a glass container, floating. I found a pipe on the floor while walking towards it and grabbed it. I ran towards the glass and smashed it. It broke and I reached out to it and wore it. I could felt UIA's presence next to me so I felt a bit more safe, knowing he will do anything to keep me safe. America got up and was glaring at me with his shades broken. I could see the fire in his blue oceanic eyes. I gripped the pipe harder when he ran towards me with a knife he took out from his coat. Before he could hurt me, the necklace burst into a yellow light, blinding everyone near it, especially me.

{Canada's POV}
I looked around for the light when I just finish doing a chant from the book.

-Do you think it worked? Aussie asked and closed the book and got up from sitting on a rock.

-I hope so... Plus, we're in Ame's territory, so if it works, we should be able to see it. I answered and looked up in the sky.

Nearby, a yellow light was blinding my eyes a bit so I followed it. My eyes widened at what I saw. I grabbed the book from Aussie and opened to the page where we found the spell. At the second page bottom right at the corner had a drawing of the symbol of the necklace that was supposed to be printed on the sky if it works, and that's what I saw.

-It works! I shouted looking up at the sky with joy in my eyes. Right there!

-Then let's go!

I closed the book and carried it with one hand and ran towards it.

{Ukraine's POV}
What happened? Why did it suddenly burst? Did someone summon something with the book? If so, who? I'm the only country who speaks and know some old Ukrainian.

America was still blind and was grunting in pain at the light. I took my chance and whacked him with the pipe. He fell on the ground unconscious. Before I could kill him, I was stopped by New Zealand who pinned me on the ground and pulled the pipe away from my grip. He threw it far from my reach and put both of my hands on the ground. He hold both of them over my head with one hand. He took out a syringe from his pocket and my eyes widened. I clawed his hand that was holding both of my wrist together to try and fight back.

-Допоможіть! (Help!) Was the only thing I could shouted.

I wasn't controlling my feet but suddenly they were placed on New Zealand's stomach and pushed him over me. He fell on his back beside America and let me go so I lift my upper body up. I pulled the bottom of my jeans up and saw my leg was turning black. I got up and looked around for Ace.

I saw him laying on the ground, looking cold. I ran towards him with fear in my eyes. Please, please don't be dead! I fell on my knees and touched him hesitantly. My eyes teared up when I placed my ear near his heart and didn't hear a pulse. I lift my head back up brutally and fell on my butt and I couldn't hold in my sadness.

My mind was angry and sad. They were negative emotions so the yellow part of my body were now fully black. Normally my eyes are suppose to turn red, but this time, one of my eyes turned fully black and the other one red. I could hear running steps coming towards me and I let my body fight back on its own. I grabbed the leg and got up while holding it. I looked who it was and it was America. I lift the leg up high and had a serious glaring face. America banged his head on the floor and with both of my hands, I swinged him and threw him into the computer setup and he got electrocuted. I looked at him, no expression was showed on my face. I didn't care anymore if I killed a country, I didn't have any mercy anymore.

I walked towards New Zealand who was staring at me with surprised eyes. He was still on the floor so I looked down at him. Before I could grabbed his collar, someone pounded onto me at my side.

{Author's note}
Not the end! Just it's way too long...

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