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Something important to say here.

This will be a weird chapter.

If a paragraph is in Italic form, it's the past. I think it's only in here, but I don't know.


{Ukraine's POV}
I rolled in the snow until I could control my movements. I did a one last roll and I got up from the white ground. I was back in the forest. My back hurts because of all of the rocks that I encountered. The rifle was on the ground beside me and I yelped and fell down. I pushed myself away from the rifle with wide eyes. I looked down on my hands and a memory started to play in my head.

The ground was black, sounds of alarms for bombs and guns shooting in the distance made my ears ring. I looked at my hands and they were a bit blurry at the edge. It was black and had blood on it. I couldn't keep my balance, I swinged left and right until I caught myself from falling. I know this was a memory, so that meant I won't get hurt. I curled up into a ball, bringing my knees to my chest and kept silent while soldiers from left and right coming towards me. They all jumped at the same time to try and get me, and everytime, my oldest brother prevents it by an extreme light burst. I closed my ears with my hands and tears started to fall down. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see the exploded body of UIA that saved me. When I finally got the courage to look at it, I instantly regretted it.

-NO! I shouted and tears fell down from my eyes.

The necklace was on the ground in front of me, glowing. I sat on my knees and picked it up and brought it to my chest. Even with teary eyes, I could see him, sitting in front of me, near the fireplace.

UIA was sitting on the arm chair and was reading a book in peace while listening to the cracking of the fire. I walked towards him with a smile on my face, but before I could reach him, everything turned grey. The room that I was with him, was grey and damaged. I could hear him from the distance, calling me to try and get my attention. But I stood there, not moving at all. I was so shock that this happened. Normally I will just sit on the floor and talk to him, but everything was gone.

-Україна! UIA called out and I turned to the voice.

-Брате? (Brother?) I asked in a low voice.

-Україна! Біжи! (Run!) He ordered but I couldn't move.

A horse with someone riding it was coming towards me and I was swooped up by his arm. I could see a vague black shadow falling on his knees. I kept quiet.

Someone or something was licking my thumb. I looked up and it was a pup, a wolf pup. He was white with some grey shades at the tip, his nose was a dark brown and his eyes were forest green. I looked at him, and he curled up into a ball near my leg and yawned. He closed his eyes and I looked at him, wondering where were his parents. I slowly reached out to him and petted it. It didn't move, it actually went closer to me.

I got up and the pup instantly woke up. He got up and stayed near my feet. I walked towards the rifle while looking at the pup, and he followed. I grabbed the rifle and put my necklace in my pocket. I started to walk to try and loose the pup since I don't think he was abandoned but he followed. I stopped and turned to him and faced his puppy eyes.

-Shoo! I said and he tilted his head to the left so started to walk again, but he followed, again.

I stopped and faced him again. But this time, I went deeper into his green eyes. I saw sparkles in it, like hope. I sighed and grabbed him gently and started to walk.

I found a cave after a while and I put the pup down. He sniffled around and growled. I looked up and I was faced with a pack of wolves. My eyes widened and grabbed the pup and started to run in the opposite direction.

I climbed a big tree and sat at the highest and sturdiest branch I could find. When the wolves go away, I sighed and looked down at the pup. It was curled up into a ball in my hand, so I brought it close to my chest to keep him warm, and fell asleep.

The thing that woke me up was the warmth that hit my skin. I opened my eyes and I was in a cave with a lit fire in the middle. At the other end of the cave was someone hiding in the shadows. I looked at my side and the pup was still sleeping.

-You're awake now, Ukraine? The person called out and I looked at him.


-No, you're not in his territory, you're in my territory...

-Who are you...

{Canada's POV}
I heard Ukraine calling my name, but when I looked behind, no one was there, so I thought I was hallucinating.

When I went back to where I told Ukraine to stay, she was gone. And not only that, someone else was in my territory without me knowing. I don't have a problem if it was Ukraine, but there were three other people.

I found footprints thanks to the snow that led me outside of my territory. I put my knife back in my pocket and started to follow it.

I arrived at a big house. I observed it and guessed that it survived a lot of wars because of all those holes in the wall. I looked around other than the house and found someone rolling down in the snow so I followed it.

I observed the prints and found another print, and it was a pup... A wolf pup.

When I stopped at a tree that the print showed, I noticed another one, but this time, it had a star on each print. Ame!

{Author's note}
Did not double check. If you did not understand what just happened, comment it and ne next chapter will be an explanation.

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