Going back...

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2 years later~

{Ukraine's POV}
I looked outside of the window that was in my room. I woke up finally knowing what's empty in my life. I've been living with Nada for two years now... It felt wrong... Sure, I loved his company and probably more, but I think that it's probably time I said bye from this house and live in my territory that Nada said he would give back when I was ready to handle it.

I took out a bag that I hid under my bed and it was half full because I've already started to pack it yesterday. I got back up and started to take out some stuff from the closet and properly fold it smaller and put it in the bag. I heard the door open and I quickly hid the bag under the blanket and sat on it. I exhaled heavily when it was only Ace who entered. He closed the door and went towards me.

-You're not Nada... I'm so relief. I petted him while thinking to myself why would I be scared of Nada when I would be telling him I need my land back.

I got back up and took out the bag and went to the closet to only see there was one thing left, the hoodie. I took it out and wore it. Ever since Nada let me to keep the hoodie, I wore it almost whenever I could. I went back to my bed and zipped up the bag before I looked over my shoulder to the bedside table. I found my flower crown ready to use from yesterday when I asked Nada to buy me some stuff to do them. I grabbed it gently and placed it on my head carefully. It felt like when I was little, where I would make these things with UIA.

I got up from the bed suddenly and Ace looked up to me, worried. I grabbed the materials that I hid in the drawers that was used to make the crown, and put it in my bag. I think that maybe I should hang out with Nada for today and cherish the moment. I left my bag on the bed and motioned with my head to Ace to follow me and he did. I opened the door and Ace followed behind and closed the door for me. I went down the stairs and found Nada in the kitchen, sitting on a stool, watching and scrolling mindlessly through his phone.

-Nada, do you have time? I asked and went and stood next to him.

He looked up and smiled and turned off his phone and placed it where the screen is facing the island, to not interrupt our conversation.


-Do you wanna hang out together? Like, maybe spend time together?

-Mmm, sure. I think we can. He said and took a glance at his phone, then back at me. What do you want to do?

-Anything. As long as we're spending time together.

-Then... Wanna go to an aquarium? I don't know, I'm just giving suggestions.

-No no, it's perfect.

-Really? You really wanna go to an aquarium.

-Yes! Let's go to an aquarium!


Nada seemed skeptical and surprised and the same time.

-Can we go now? I asked and his eyes widened.

-Now? You mean, right now?


-Umm, sure. Let's go then.

He got up and went towards the door and grabbed his wallet. My eyes shined and I had a smile on my face. If we go now, we can do multiple activities on the same day!

-Can Ace come? I asked and he looked behind while wearing his shoes.

-I don't think so... It's a public place, so...

-Oh... That's fine, it doesn't matter. He can wait outside. Right?

-Pretty sure he can.


I went and put on my shoes and when Nada opened the door, Ace skedaddled to catch up with us. We went towards Nada's car and like always, he opens the door for me. He opened for Ace as well and closed both of the doors and went into his seat. When I put on my seatbelt, and so did Nada, he started to drive.

While he was driving, I was tapping rapidly on the car and sometimes he would look at me to make sure I was alright. I instantly got out when I could and opened Ace's door for him to get down.

-What's the rush? Nada asked and closed his door.

-No reason. I shut the door once Ace got out. Let's go.

I grabbed his wrist and started to drag him to the entrance and he looked very worried.

-Uki... Are you alright?

-I'm fine.

I stopped dragging him when we entered. I noticed Ace coming with us so I stopped walking.

-You can't enter, Ace.

-Oh no, ma'am. It's fine, pets can now enter. A lady said from the counter and I wasn't so sure since he is quite big.

-Are you sure? He is quite big... Nada said making sure and walked to the lady to pay for the tickets.

-Mhm! And, the pets are free.

Nada payed and waited for the tickets while I felt uncomfortable seeing people looking at me and Ace weirdly. I kept my head low and when I heard Nada's footsteps nearby, I lift my head to look at him.

-Ready? He asked and I nodded.

I followed him going through a door and I was instantly amazed at where we were. In an underground place with glass holding the water and animals swimming on top of it. I look in front and saw that the walk was going to be quite long.

-H-How long is the walk? I asked and walked beside him and he was walking quite slow and looking at the animals.

-About two hours or more.

-What?! I shouted and everyone looked at me.

-I thought you knew...

-We need to speed up then!

-Hold on now,

He grabbed my waist and dragged me to the side. Ace walked over to us and sat on the floor while looking in the glass, watching the fishes swim by. He turned me around to face the glass and forced me to watch the fishes. He placed his hands on my shoulders gently.

-What's wrong, Ukraine?


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