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{Ukraine's POV}
Kazakh flew silently while I tried to get away from his grip. I almost wanted to bite his hand but if I do, I'll fall to my death.

When he got closer to the ground, I saw the old house and my blood started to boil in anger. I gripped the rifle that was in my hand and stared at the house with anger. Bel and Russia weren't there so I took my chance.

I bite his hand and he shriek and let me go. I did a backflip in the air so that my feet will land on the ground first and not my head and it worked. I looked up in the sky and saw Kazakh still flying and looking at his hand that I bit. I ran back towards where the forest was but an arm caught my waist from behind and lift me up with ease. I looked behind and not even thinking twice, used the heel of the rifle to hit the cheek bone of the person roughly. He let go and grunted. I fell on my butt and hold the weapon near me. The heel was red meaning that I hit him hard enough for him to start to bleed.

I smiled to myself and got up while the person was still in the snow, covering the bruise with his hands. I didn't bother to look who it was and before I could go away. I was stopped by Russia in front of me. With his size, you could say I was just an ant to him. He grabbed the rifle and tried to pull it away from me but I fought back, not wanting to let something so precious to Canada go.

-Нехай йде Росія! (Let go Russia!) I shouted and a tear came out from my right eye.

He didn't answer and just continued to try and take it away. My eyes were getting blurry by the tears that I'm holding in but I will NOT show him weakness.

He pushed me with his arm and that caused me to let one of my hand go of the rifle and he yanked it one last time and he got it. I wanted to jump onto him but my arms were pulled back by someone and someone else stepped in between me and Russia. That person was Bel and his cheek was bleeding so I now know who I hurt, and I didn't regret it. He deserved it. He didn't follow me when he promised me, so why should I care about him like I used to.

My brothers had their eyes on me but I was looking deep into Bel's soul. He felt it and shivered. After a while of silence and feeling Kazakh's arms slowly not gripping me so hard as before, I pulled my arms away from his and fortunately, he wasn't expecting that so my arms slipped away like a snake. I went straight to Bel and punched him with all of my force at his face and grabbed his collar and made him bend down and I place my forehead on his.

-You cheeky bastard... Ви заслуговуєте на смерть! (You deserve to die!) I shouted straight to his face and he had his head low and I know he regretted what he did.

Russia broke us up by grabbing me and carried me into the house and on the couch, force me to lay on it and he lay on top of me with one of his arm to hold his body up and the other one holding a knife that he placed on my neck.

-Прекрати! (Stop it!) He ordered and I was trying to grab his neck or hurt him in any way, but I didn't know what to do.

-Зупинити що? (Stop what?)

-Перестань быть подлецом! (Stop being a brat!)

A brat?! That enraged me enough to kick him at his private part with my knee with all of my force and he cursed out loud.

-Блядь! (Google it)

I pushed him off of me and at the same time, took his knife away from his hand. He was on the floor, covering the part where I kicked.

-Беларусь! Казахстан! (Belarus! Kazakhstan!) He called out and I got up from the couch.

They were in front of the door instantly when he called out and was wondering what happened. I looked at them, showing the knife I was holding to tell them to back up. My eyes were blurry but I knew who was who.

-Don't come near me! I shouted with my broken voice.

No one was expecting me to speak English fluently and they all looked at me, except Russia, he had another thing to take care of.

-Англійская? (English?) Bel asked and tilted his head to the left.

-Yeah, so?

-Қалай? (How?) Kazakh asked and stepped closer but I glared at him to back up and he instantly did.

-What do you mean how? I learned!

-B-But... How? No... No акцэнт... (accent) Bel asked and I scoffed.

-A friend.

We all stayed silent and I observed them all. At one point, I was taller than Kazakh and Bel, but now, looking at both of them, side by side, I know they grew extremely fast. Time flew so fast and I felt... Sad about it for some reason... Do I really love them deep down, somewhere in my heart? No. They hate me and so, I too hate them.

Bel and Kazakh stepped closer to me slowly with the rifle in Bel's hand and now that was the thing that my eyes were locked on. I need it back. When they were close, I swinged the knife as far as my arm could go and they back up. That was the distance I wanted between us.

They respect it and Bel put the gun on the heated wooden floor and placed a foot on it and pushed it hard enough to not hurt me when it stopped at my feet. Their eyes were full of hope for me to forgive them but, my mind forced me to not fall for their pity like eyes. They're lying! I bend down but my eyes were locked on both of them.

I picked the rifle up and put the knife in my pocket. I stood and hid the rifle behind my back. They both gave a sigh if relief and smiled warmly at me. As to give me a warm welcome. I wasn't going to return the smile. With my hands, I turned off the safety secretly.

I suddenly lifted the gun up in the air and when I thought that I will never do it again, I pulled the trigger and the bullet went flying into the ceiling. Bel and Kazakh kneeled down and covered their head with their arms because of reflexes and I went up the stairs that was beside me.

I found my room at the second story and break the door down since it was lock. I opened the window and I heard footsteps coming closer. I looked outside the window and put my legs out and took a big inspiration, and jumped.

{Author's note}

It's a poodle playing the sax... I need help.

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