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{Canada's POV}
Me and Aussie were walking back towards Ame's territory. Aussie kept almost dozing back to sleep so I decided to carry him, piggyback style. He carried my rifle and fell asleep.

When we arrived, I put him down and he opened his eyes instantly because he's a light sleeper. He yawned and gave me the rifle.

-Were you able to sleep a bit? I asked and started walking towards the lab.

Aussie nodded and stretch and walked next to me like normal. Luckily, it's spring for Ame's territory so Aussie felt a bit more at ease while walking since he is not really a cold county, but he can take the coldness since me, Ame, father and mom are kinda a cold county.

When we arrived, we almost didn't spotted it because somehow, moss covered it.

-How can moss cover something metal? Aussie asked and bend down to remove it. Ah, they can't. The moss was fake.

-I know, it's impossible for the moss to do that.

-Well, it can grow on it, but it only gets stuck on it if there are some pollens or bird waste. Aussie corrected me and tried to open the door.

-It won't budge? I asked and bend down next to him to observe it.


I touched the metal and it was cold, not very surprising. My fingers went down to the knob to open it but I could feel a block of ice stopping it to move.

-Got a knife? I asked and turned to him.

He took out a knife from his pocket and gave it to me. I hold it and instantly knew that it was US Navy knife.

-Where did you get this? I asked and planted it between the metal and ice and started to cut off the ice.

-Found it when I was looking at Ame's body. He shrugged and looked at me. Why?

-Just wondering. I opened the metal door and handed the knife back to Aussie.

I got inside and took out my phone to use the flashlight. Aussie climbed down as well and we looked around. He flipped a random switch nearby to turn on the lights but it didn't work.

-Wrong switch? He asked and I shrugged.

-Maybe. Or, he didn't pay his bills.

I started to walk and we looked in every single room. We didn't found Ame and there was one room left, the room was where we had the big fight. I walked over there slowly and Aussie followed me behind.

-Come out, come out wherever you are~

Me and Aussie stopped at the noise and we took a glance at each other then back to the room. We walked towards there slowly with trembling legs. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and it worked. Aussie did the same but it did nothing to him.

I stopped next to the open door and took a glance at Aussie and he was really scared and gripping my sleeve.

-It's fine, everything will be fine. I whispered and he glared at me.

-How do you know that?! He whispered back.

-Because we're countries, we're strong.

-Yeah but Ame can really fight once he gets mad.

-Then we won't make him mad!

He kept quiet and stop looking at me so I turned back to the door. I entered and was greeted by Ame jumping onto me with a knife. I fell down on the floor and let the gun go. I grabbed his wrist that had the knife and grabbed his other wrist that tried to choke me.

-Grab the gun... And shoot! I ordered while trying to push him off and looked at Aussie.

He grabbed it and shoot his arm. He growled but didn't let go.


He did it again and this time he rolled to the side. I got up and looked at him.

-What do we do about him? Aussie asked and I sighed.

-Just watch him, make sure he doesn't go anywhere and try to attack me.

Aussie nodded and I entered the room. This room was the only room that had some lights in it. I looked around and walked towards a desk. I looked at it, flipping through some files and looking under some books if it had anything. I sighed when I found nothing and I looked at the light that was beside me. An object was giving light so I touched it.

Instantly, my ears were ringing and I was getting dizzy. I heard Aussie calling me but I couldn't turn my head to face him. My legs trembled and I fall on my knees. I caught myself by being on all fours and I was breathing heavily. My arms started to tremble and loosing it's force. I fell face first on the floor and closed my eyes.

{Aussie's POV}
I watched and didn't know what to do. I tried calling him but he didn't hear me. I knew if I went towards him, Ame will run out and I would've lost him and he might run towards Ukraine and NZ.

I heard a chuckle coming from Ame so I turned back at him and pointed the gun at his head.

-He shouldn't have done that. Idiot. He whispered and looked at Nada.

-What do you mean? I asked and was ready to pull the trigger if I had to.

-That's the necklace, the object that he touched. I learned to never touch it with bare hands if it doesn't recognize your handprint.

-And how were you able to get back up?

-By fighting him until he gives up and let me go.

-Who's "he"?

{Ukraine's POV}
Ace barked loudly when I was doing the dishes. Me and New Zealand, who was standing next to me to chat a bit, looked at Ace. He was looking out at the window and had his ears down and was growling.

-What is it? I asked and wiped my hands when I was done.

Ace didn't answer and ran towards the door and opened it with his paws and started to run.

-Ace! I called out and wore my shoes and ran off with the house key.

{Author's note}
Now, I know what you're wondering, when in the world is the fluff?!

Don't worry, it's coming~

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