Chapter 1

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All of these characters belong to Kiera Cass. (Includes spoilers)

America's POV:

Here it goes. Maxon is about to propose, but not me. I look over at Kriss, she trying to keep in all of her happiness, but it looks like she is about to explode. I will never forgive myself for being so careless with Aspen. But Maxon should have given me at least 5 seconds to explain myself! I stare off into the distance completely out of it until I see a guard pull out a red bandanna and tie it around his forehead. I look over and see many other guards do the same. I hear gunshots and people screaming. It's all happening so fast I just stand there frozen until I hear Kriss scream. I immediately turn my head to see what was happening. I see that a guard is holding a gun to her head. Maxon is looking back and forth between Kriss and I. There is a gunshot. Kriss goes down, Maxon screams, the gunman laughs and runs off. I couldn't believe it. This was all too much. Before I knew it, I'm being pulled into a safe room with Maxon. And only Maxon. I bang on the door trying to get out but it's no use. "That's not gonna get you anywhere." Maxon says annoyed. "I can do what I want!" I said angrily. "Always stubborn." "You know what?! I would rather be in a safe room with anyone else than you!" I yelled. He looked hurt. "Do you really mean that?" He said sadly. "Why do you care?! You were going to choose Kriss weren't you!" We sat in silence for what seemed like forever. Maxon broke the silence yelping in pain when he stood up. "Are you ok?" I ask concerned. "Ya...fine" he said forcefully. "Maxon. Move your hand." He slowly moved his hand away from where he was holding it. I rolled up his sleeve and jumped back. He had gotten shot. But how? I had a flash back and remembered there was another gunman standing right behind the one that shot Kriss. I rush to the cupboard and find a rag, some gauze, rubbing alcohol, and bandages. I grab everything and rush back to him. "You don't need to-" I cut him off. "Maxon Schreave you are going to let me help you or else!" "Or else what?!" He asked with a smirk. "Or I will knee you in the groin again. And we both know you don't want that." The room was silent while I took the rag and dabbed the rubbing alcohol on the wound. He whined once and a while but that was it. This brought back the memory of when I was helping him with his back wound during the selection. I put gauze and bandages on the wound. "There. Should hold you off this you can go see the doctor." I told him. He nodded his head and we both just sat there until a guard came to take us to the hospital wing.

How was that for a first part? I tried. I hope you like it! Any comments or suggestions please let me know! Thanks so much for reading! This is my first Time writing a story.

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