Chapter 17

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Clarkson's POV:

Maxon married the 5. I can't believe him. I though I raised him better. He took America to France on their honeymoon. They will be back soon and then the torture-I mean then the work begins. They have a lot a work when they get back, and I plan on making America hate this life so much she'll want to leave. They will be returning back to the palace tomorrow so I will make sure she will regret ever putting her name into the selection.
"Clarkson?" I hear my wife Amberley ask.
"Yes?" I ask back seeing her walk into my office.
"Are you ready for dinner?"
"Yes. I will be right out, I just need to finish up some paperwork."
"Ok. I'll see you there."
With that she left and I realized I only had a little bit of time left to decide what I want to do to the 5. There are so many things I can do.
I can cane her, make her feel worthless, tell her things like 'Maxon never loved you' or 'Maxon has never really been that good of an actor but he is doing a really good job making you think he loves you.' Oh! That is a good one. I think maybe I can do all three. That one line though is really good. I think I'll use that.
I got out a piece of paper and quickly wrote down the things I'll do to America. Just as I finish I look at the time and realize I am 10 minutes late to dinner.
"Great! Dinner would be almost done by now." I scold myself. I promised Amberley that I would be at dinner tonight. It's been a little hard to get to dinner taking over Maxon's duties. Wait! I might not need to do anything. With all the work and meetings they might not get to see each other a whole lot. I might still do the other things just for fun. I race down to dinner and see Amberley there finishing up dinner.
"I'm so sorry." I say sitting down next to her.
"It's ok. I know you have work." She said hiding her disappointment. I have a maid bring out dinner for me. Amberley stayed with me until I was done. She is so kind and selfless. She is a great mother and queen. We head up to the king and queen suit.
Tomorrow I will let Maxon and America have the day to settle in, but then she will wish she never even considered marrying my son.

Sorry this chapter is short I thought it would be fun to read Clarkson's POV. Let me know if you like it.

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