Chapter 19

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America's POV:
We just got back to the palace and Maxon already had to go to a meeting. I don't get why they couldn't just give him tonight off, I mean we got back maybe 30 minutes ago. I wasn't aloud to go to the meeting. Kings orders I guess. Speaking of the king, when we were walking in he kept glaring at me. I was walking to the library to find a book when I ran into Mary.
"Your highness." She said and curtsied.
"Mary, just call me America." I assured her.
"Ok, America I was just coming to get you. Dinner is ready."
"Thank you. I'll head right down." She walked away and I walked down the stairs to dinner.

I walk in and only she Queen Amberley. Maxon and King Clarkson must still be in the meeting. I sit down and start a little conversation with Amberley (mom). She said that I can call her mom and every time I do she gives me a warm smile. 
Just as we finish eating Maxon and Clarkson walk in.
"I'm so sorry darling. The meeting ran late." He whispered in my ear as he sat down.
"It's ok. I'll see you up in the room?" I ask him.
He smiles and kisses my forehead. I head up to the princess suit and slip into a light blue silk night gown. I'm really tired so I go to our room. (Maxon likes his room to be called our room.)
I lay down on the bed and close my eyes.

I wake up to the feeling of an arm going under me and picking me up slightly. I realize it's Maxon and open my eyes.
"Sorry darling I didn't mean to wake you up."
" it's ok." I say sitting up.
"I'm so sorry, the meeting ran late and I tried to convince my dad to let you come to the meeting-I don't know why you couldn't come. My father isn't being fair and I don't want you to think anything of it-ok? You know he's like that." He starts to ramble.
"Maxon it's ok." I say leaning into him.
He lays back and I fall with him in his arms.
He starts to rub my back and with that I fall asleep.

'BEEP BEEP BEEP' I jump up out of the bed and realize the rebel alarm is going off. We should have known this was coming, they haven't attacked in a while.
Maxon grabs my hand and yanks me out of the room.
"Your Highness, we need to get you to a safe room." One guard says as we come out of our room. We follow the guard to the safe room, and as we are almost there I feel someone yank my other arm. I fall down and let go of Maxon's hand.
"America wha-" he turns around and looks horrified. I look behind me and see a rebel. He pushes me to the ground and holds a gun to my head.
"Come any closer to your Princess and she's gone." The rebel says in a deep voice.
Some palace guards run up with their guns drawn but just get shot in the process.
"Your highness we need to get you to a safe room! We can't afford to lose you!" A guard yelled at Maxon.
Maxon completely ignored him and tackled the rebel to the ground. I knew I had to run away but I didn't want Maxon to get hurt. I started running but another rebel jumped in front of me, and that was the last thing I saw before it all went black.
You guys I feel so bad for only writing this much in a week. Thank you so much for your patience! And sorry for the cliff hanger. 😉 -Mads

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