Chapter 24

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Aspen's POV:
We are currently walking through the woods trying to find Maxon. He ran off tying to find America, but I can't believe he did that! He is the next heir to the throne and nothing can happen to him. Maxon made me the head guard and I'm determined to find them by the end of the day. It's currently five in the morning and we have been walking for at least a day now. We split up into two groups. I took 6 guards with me and officer Avery took the other 6.
We walked for another hour before we saw three people laying by a tree. Three? Did Maxon save America? If it's them who is the third person. I take my gun out and walk closer. As we get closer I see that it really is Maxon and America, and another girl. I put my gun away and crouched down next to Maxon. I shook him a bit, he jerked awake, and punched me in the face.
"Oh! Leger! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was you!" He said frantically.
"We need to get you back to the palace." I told him trying to help him up.
"No! Take her." He said pointing to America.
I lean down and pick America up. Maxon shakes the other girl awake.
She junps back a little but when she sees us.
He helps her up and we start walking back to the castle. I sent 3 of my guards to go find the others and tell them that we found Maxon and America.
"Who is she?" I whispered to Maxon as we started walking.
"Oh, her name is Quinn. America said that she helped her while she was at the base and said to take her with us." He explained to me. America has such a kind heart. I should have seen it coming.

We have been walking for a while. I can't believe Maxon walked this far. We have been walking in silence for quiet a while until Maxon finally spoke.
"We need to be careful, it's only a matter of time until they find out America's gone."
"We'll have every guard on alert when we get back to the palace." I told him. He nodded and smiled. Just then I hear the other girl Quinn gasp. I stop quickly and look at her. Was she ok? Did she see something or someone? She didn't look scared though, she looked amazed. I tuned my head to see what she was looking at. It was the Palace. We finally made it! We needed to get America to the hospital wing. I started yelling orders to the guards that were still with me, as they ran off the other guards showed up. I told one to take Quinn to the hospital wing to get check up and the others to go tell the king, queen and other staff that we are back. Everyone else ran off and I looked at Maxon. He gave me a nod and I ran to the hospital wing with Maxon following behind me. When we got there, doctor Asher had me put her on a bed. He started yelling orders to the nurses and told us to get out of the room.
I sat in a chair right outside the room, but Maxon just started pacing.
"Your highness, you should sit down."
"Please call me Maxon." He said still pacing.
"Ok. Maxon! You need to rest. Sit down and take a break."
He stopped and looked at me with wet eyes. Was he crying? Maxon never cried.
"Maxon" I looked at him in the eye.
He put his head down and sat in the chair next to me.
"What if-what if she doesn't make it?" He asked, tears falling down his face.
"She's going to make it, she's a fighter."
"I know but-"
"No! Maxon you can't focus on the bad things!"
He sighed and leaned back in the chair.

I'm so sorry! School has been really stressful, I feel like the teachers are giving us all the work at the end of the year. I'll get better at updating! Thanks for sticking around!
Mads ❤️

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