Chapter 5

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Maxon's POV:

I know my mom told me to sleep but I can't. I can't help but think that I'm the one causing all of this stress, I'm the one that is making it hard for her. Just then the Dr. Asher came in to check on her. "She's a fighter," Dr. Asher said as he was checking to make sure she is ok. I chuckled a little bit.
"She sure is." I respond with a smile.
"She should be up within the next few hours."
"Thank you Dr. Asher!" I whispered before he walked out.
"Oh and Maxon," I turned my head to see him
"You need the rest, don't blame yourself she'll be ok." After that, he left. Everyone keeps telling me to not blame myself, and their right. I can't keep thinking about this one little mistake I made. I leaned my head back on the chair and grabbed America's hand again. "Goodnight my dear." I whispered as I kissed her hand. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

America's POV:

I woke up to the sunlight peeking through curtains in the hospital room. My head was pounding, it hurt so bad. I looked to my left and saw Maxon sleeping. I tried pulling my hand away but He woke up and grabbed my hand again. "Sorry..." I said
"For what?" He asked like he missed something, I giggled at his reaction.
"For waking you up."
"No worries." He said with a smile.
The doctor came in and gave me medicine for my head, he did a quick checkup then told me I could leave. Maxon pick me up bridal style and carried me out of the hospital wing.
"Put me down!" I screamed
"Not yet." He said back. I screamed and kicked.
"Maxon! Let me go!" I kept trying even though I knew it was useless. I eventually stopped as he was going up the stairs. He walked in the princess suite and put me on the bed. "Maxon! I've been laying in bed for the past 12 hours, I want to go outside!" I whined.
"Let me get ready, then we can go walk around the gardens." He said matter-of-factly. As he walked into his room I summoned my maids and they helped me get ready. They put me in a knee length light blue dress, they did my makeup very naturally and pulled my hair back in a high ponytail. Maxon walked into my room and held out his arm, I took it and we walked to the garden. "You look stunning today." He whispered in my ear.
"Watch it." I say half serous, half joking. He chuckled and pulled me in close by the waist. I took the risk of leaning my head on his shoulder. He walked me to our bench and I remembered the first night we met. I laughed at the thought. "What's so funny?" He asks raising an eyebrow,
"I just remembered the night we met." I told him. He laughed as well and we talked about the selection for an hour before a guard came to get us for lunch. The rest of the day went by pretty quick. Before I knew it I was getting ready for the night. I slipped into a baby pink silk night gown and made my way to Maxon's room. I knocked quietly and he answered with a smile. "Hey!" He said letting me in.
"Silvia wanted me to ask you if March 18th would work for the wedding date?" I asked him.
"Yes! That's perfect." He said looking proud.
"Ok! I'll let her know tomorrow-goodnight." I said awkwardly, as I was about to walk out he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. We hadn't kissed at all since the night before the rebel attack. I missed this, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. I pulled away to catch my breath, still holding onto him. "I've missed this" he said whispering into my ear. I giggle a little bit and pull him in for another little kiss before I left to go back to my room. I love him so much! So I've decided! I'm going to tell him I love him tomorrow! I jump into bed and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

You have no idea what's coming!! I hope you like this chapter! I have so many ideas! Thanks for all the support!

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