Chapter 8

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Maxon's POV:

The music changes and the oak doors open, I see America walking towards me on Aspen's arm. She asked Aspen to walk her down the isle since her dad past away. She locked eyes with me and smiled, I did the same. America looked gorgeous! Her dress dragged behind her as she walked, her hair was pulled back into a complicated hairstyle. She finally reached me, Aspen put her hands in mind, I nodded and smiled at him. He did the same then sat down. I had decided to forgive him because what's life if you hold grudges. "You look beautiful my dear." I whispered in her ear.
"I'll let you today and today only after that you will regret calling me "my dear." She whispered in a smile. That's my America. I stared into her icy blue eyes and got lost in them. I came back to reality when we had to say our vows. I didn't have any prepared because I already knew what I wanted to say, I had a million things to say. America is one special girl. I went first.
"America, when I first met you I knew you were the one. We went though a lot of challenges but I loved you through each one. You are my better half and my best friend. I promise to love you until my very last breath. Every beat of my heart of yours." I vowed with tears coming to my eyes. America smiled and said her vows "Maxon, when I met you I didn't want to be here. You gave me your heart but I didn't give you mine and now I realized I should have given it to you a lot sooner. I love you so much!" She said with tears also in her eyes. We both said "I do." "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" I pulled her in my the waist and kissed passionately. We both pulled away and smiled at each other. Everyone clapped and cheered as we walked out. We walked up to our rooms and changed into less dressy outfits. I walked out of my room with black dressy pants and a white button up shirt, America walked out with a knee length white dress with lace. I felt my jaw drop as she walked out. I held out my arm and she took it. We got to the stairs and I pulled her in by the waist and kiss her.
"What was that for?" She asked with a smile on her face.
"Just because." I said returning the smile. We walked down the stairs and waited by the door to the ball room. The guards announced us as Mr. and Mrs. Schreave. I love hearing that. We walked in and everyone cheered again. I walk her to the middle of the floor and we start dancing to our wedding song-our song. I put my hand on her waist and held one of her hands, she put her other hand on my shoulder. We locked eyes and started dancing.

America's POV:

The song ended, Maxon dipped me and kissed me. We had to separate and go greet and talk to other people.
-2 hours later-
My feet are so sore, I've talked to almost everyone here. Everyone left and I started to look around for my husband. As I was turning around a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. "Hey darling." He whispered in my ear. I giggled and turned around to look at him. He picked me up bridal style and took me up to his room. When we got to his room he dropped me on the bed and kissed me on my neck, cheek, and lips. I pulled away out of breath and he laid down beside he and pulled me in close. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I felt Maxon put an arm around me and that's the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

They got married!! I'm sorry this isn't the best chapter. I have so many ideas and I promise they will get better. Thanks!
              -Mads ❤️

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