Chapter 22

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Maxon's POV:
I've been walking through the forest for-well I really don't know how long, but I know it's been a while. I was about to stop and get some rest when I saw a light. I walked closer towards the light and saw that the light was connected to a building. There was an S on the outside wall so I thought it was probably rebel base. I started running to the door not thinking and a rebel jumped out in front of me with a gun.
"Look who came to rescue the princess." He said pointing the gun at me.
"So you caught me!" I said tauntingly. I slowly reached into the back of my pants and pulled out the gun. While I was walking through the forest I decided to take the gun out of my backpack in case I needed it.
I pointed the gun at the rebel and without hesitation, shot him. I can't believe he didn't shoot me already. I run to the rebel and take his gun. Now I have 2.
I sneak into the building pretty easily. I start walking down the hall and see three other rebels, I shoot them and keep walking. Wow! I can't believe how easy it is to take them down. Just as I walk down a hallway I hear a scream and immediately know it's America's. I freeze and walk to the door I heard the scream in. I open the door and see a rebel in the room kicking and hitting her. I drop my backpack making a loud noise. Damn it! I didn't mean to make a loud noise. The rebel turns around and chuckles evilly.
"Maxon!" America whispered just loud enough for me to hear.
He tries to throw a punch but I block it. I guess those self defense classes I decided to take really paid off.
"So the prince can fight." He states "I'm impressed."
"Really." I say annoyed.
He slaps me across the face and pushes me to the ground. He brings his hand up to punch me but he falls back in pain. I'm very confused but the I see America behind him.
"Did you knee him?" I ask her
"Ya..." she says weakly, but smiles a bit.
Just as I'm about to get up to go to America, she gets pushed to the ground by the rebel. I go up to the rebel and put the gun to his head.
"Let her go and I won't shoot." I tell him.
"You really think I'll give up that easily!"
I needed my America back, so I shot the rebel.
I ran to America and hugged her as lightly as I could. She tried to hug back but failed.
"Ready to go home?" I asked her.
"Quinn." She whispered out.
"Quinn. She helped me, we need to take her with us." She managed to get out.
Her body was going limp. She looked thin, like she hadn't eaten anything. She had cuts and bruises all around her body. I had to get her out of here. But first I have to find Quinn. The girl America said that helped her.
I walk out the door and load the other gun I have. I was holding it out and anyone that got in my way I would shoot. I made my way to the back of the building thinking it was no use to find her, but when I thought about giving up, a girl ran up to me. She was blond and had blue eyes. Lighter than America's.
"Your Highness." She whispered doing a little curtsy.
"No need for that, call me Maxon."
"Ok-Maxon, is she ok?"
"I'm not sure. Can you help us get out?"
"Of course."
She led me through a dark hallway to a door, she unlocked it and held it open for me. I turned around and stood there waiting for her to come with me.
"Go." She whispered.
"No. Come with us. I'll get you a job at the palace." I told her.
"I-I can't"
I started walking hoping she would follow, I soon heard soft footsteps behind me.
We were walking in silence for quite a while until Quinn started talking.
"You pretty brave coming to save her like this."
She said gesturing to me.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked confused.
"I mean-uh-no offense your high-Maxon but I really didn't expect you to come. If anyone I'd think it would be the palace guards." She said looking down.
I laughed a little before responding.
"The guards weren't working hard enough to find her, so I decided to find her myself."
"You really love her don't you?"
"Ya. I really do." I said looking down at America. She looked so peaceful that's what scared me. What if she doesn't make it? No! I can't think like that! She's gonna be ok.
"She loves you." Quinn said
"You are all she talked about while she was here and sometimes I would go in to see her and she would be crying, saying that she hopes your alright and that she misses you." She said cutting me off.
I smile and start hoping that we will be able to find our way back.

Oooh! Cliff hanger...kinda. Maxon rescued America...and Quinn. Hope this chapter was alright. I have some more ideas in mind so expect some more chapters soon :D I also want to thank everyone that is still here reading the book because I have not been very good at updating. Happy reading!

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