Chapter 23

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Maxon's POV:
I held America tighter and closer to me, knowing that I just heard something else in the woods. It's pitch black outside and who knows what could be out here. I tried to put my mind on other things like the palace, my life with America, being with her everyday. That is, if she makes it. No! I can't think like that! She's going to make it. If I waited for my advisors and the guards she would probably be more hurt or worse. I don't usually yell at my advisors but because of them, I wasn't there to rescue her three days before. Thinking of my advisors made me think of my father. I know my mom understood, but how would I father react? Would he cane me again?
I had to many things on my mind that I broke out into a run, forgetting about Quinn and ran some where else to get rest for tonight.
I couldn't run anymore. I stoped and cuddled up with America. I was about to fall asleep when I heard something. Oh no! Was it that same thing I heard earlier? I reach into my backpack and grab a gun. I point it in the direction I think the noise is coming from, until  a person appears.
"Maxon?" The person said.
She walked closer and sat down next to me.
"Sorry I ran off...I-I just had a lot of things on my mind, I couldn't take it anymore."
"I get it..."
It was an awkward silence for a few minutes before she spoke again.
"Out of all the rebels you killed, did you kill my dad?" She asked.
"Umm I'm not sure. I killed the one guarding the door which I doubt was your dad, I killed two walking in the hall, and the guy that was beating America."
"There were two different people beating her at different times...what did he look like?"
"He had black hair, tattoos on his knuckles, and I think he had some missing teeth."
"You didn't kill my dad." She whispered.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked her.
"Well...both. I mean he is my father, but he deserves it! What's he's done to me"
The last part was a whisper.
"H-he hurt you?" I had to ask.
"Uh-he...he caned me, more than once."
"I'm so sorry...but can I tell you something?"
She nodded her head.
"My father canes me as well-you can't tell anyone though."
"What? You've gotten caned before?"
"Actually more than once. Every time I do something my father doesn't like or something she did-" I chuckled a little bit "I would get caned."
"Does she cause a lot of trouble." She asked
I laugh a little again
"That's why I love her. She causes trouble, but it's why she causes it. She stands up for what she believes in and doesn't let anyone get in the way of it."
"We should probably get some rest."
I nodded and laid down next to America. It's weird going to sleep without America actually awake. I kiss America's forehead then slowly drift off to sleep.

I feel so bad! I have been really busy, but I promise that I will do better to update. Thank you guys so much for staying with this even though I'm terrible at updating. Thanks su much!

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