Chapter 18

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Maxon's POV:

Today is our last day. We leave around lunch time today and we will get back to Illéa by dinner time. I don't want this time to end. Even though we had a few arguments I still had a great time. I just love to be with her. When we get back to the palace we will have work and hardly anytime to see each other. I know how the royalty life is. I hardly got to see my parents when I was growing up, I was raised by nanny's and maids, and that makes me worry about when we have kids. We have talked about it and have decided that we don't want other people taking care of our kids. We want them to know their parents.
I want to have a better relationship with my kids than my dad had with me. I lose my train of thought when America moves closer to me in her sleep. I look at the clock and see that it's 4:00am. I put my arm around her and kiss her head. I see her give a small smile in her sleep.
Which makes me smile also. I decided to close my eyes and try to get some more sleep.

I wake up four hours later at eight and see that America is still sleeping. That girl could sleep all day if I let her. I whisper in her ear to wake her up but she doesn't do anything. Just for fun I hit her with a pillow.
"No! Maxon five more minutes!" She groans.
I laugh and pull the blanket off of her. She curls up into a ball.
"America we have to go back today." I remind her.
"No. I don't want to leave." She whispers.
I crawl back next to her and hug her.
"I don't either darling, but you know we have to."
"I know." She says and rolls out of bed. As she gets to her feet she grabs the bed side table to steady herself.
"Are you ok?" I ask concerned.
"Y-ya I'm fine." She said standing up strait.
She starts walking over to the suit case, but instead runs to the bathroom. I run to the bathroom and see her kneeling down by the toilet. I grab her hair and rub her back.
"Th-thanks M-Maxon." She said quietly.
"Are you sure your ok?" I ask again.
"Um ya." She said standing up.
She walks to the suit case and grabs a light blue  dress that looks really comfortable. She walks back to the bathroom to get changed. I can't help but worry. Is she sick? Is she ok? Can I do anything? I just want to be there for her.

She walks out of the bathroom with her hair just hanging down and no makeup. She looks beautiful just natural. She doesn't need makeup or a fancy dress or hairstyle, she's beautiful just the way she is. I grab her hand as the maids we brought came in and grab our suit cases. We get in the car and drive almost to the airport but stop at a little restaurant for lunch. It was a cute little restaurant. It had wood tables set up on each side of the room and a counter at the back. It had a huge menu selection above the counter.
We sit down and look at the menu, America orders a salad with chicken and water to drink. I order a salad also but without chicken I also get water to drink. We were served our food really quickly because there isn't that many people at the restaurant right now. As we finish up eating America says that she is still hungry. Geez, I know she loves food but I didn't think she would eat This much. She orders a pice of chocolate cake and some strawberry ice cream.
"Are your really still hungry or was this just an excuse to get dessert?" I ask as she takes a bit of the cake.
"I'm actually still hungry."
she finishes and we walk back to the car. We get in the car and I am really worried. She was dizzy this morning, she threw up, and now she's eating more? She leans her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes.
"Tired?" I whisper
The drive to the airport felt like forever. But soon we will be back home. I didn't want our time alone to end, because today we go back to cameras, guards, maids, meetings, work, and not a lot of free time. America knows that this was going to happen. She keeps telling me she'll be fine and she knows that we can't spend everyday together but I know she's lying. Because if I said those thing, I would be too. I wish we could spend everyday together like a normal family but this is the life we have. At least I still have America.
At the airport we get out of the car and walk to the plane. We put our luggage above our seats and sit down. The flight attendant comes on the speakers and tells us that we are about to take off. I turn to buckle America's seat belt and then mine. Her safety always comes before mine. We take off soon after and America pulls out a book. I decided to do the same.

America is sleeping right now, her head is in my shoulder and my arm is around her. We should be landing in about an hour and this whole time I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with America but I can't come up with anything. I just hope she'll be ok.

What do you think is wrong with America? Also do you think Maxon is being a bit to concerned? I'm sorry I haven't been posting, I've been kinda busy but I have a lot of ideas, so there will be more updates. Thank you so much!        -Mads

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