Chapter 15

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Daphne's POV:

It has been 2 days since Maxon and the rat came to the beach with us. They seemed to have worked everything out so I thought I would make the rat a little jealous. Plus everyone needs a little jealousy.
I find out where they are staying. Mostly because I'm the Princess and if I want something I get it, and I plan on getting Maxon. I show up to the beach and knocked on their beach house door. Maxon answered.
"Who is-Daphne!" He scowled.
"Oh...Darling, don't scowl." I said sweetly.
"What are you doing here?" He asked through gritted teeth.
"I'm here to see you!"
"Go away Daphne! I married America! You have to accept that I don't love you!" He yelled.
I pulled on his shirt and pushed him against the wall of the house. I put my lips on his and started kissing him. He didn't kiss me back so I tried harder. He put his hands on my shoulders trying to push away when I heard running from inside. I knew it was America so I started to mumble in Maxon's ear so he wouldn't hear her. I opened my eyes and saw her standing there. I smirked against his lips and saw her run away with tears in her eyes. YES! Now all they need to do is get into an argument and my plan works out perfectly! I decided that I've given the rat enough torture so I relaxed and let Maxon push me away. It was really hard because he is really strong. I run my hand down his chest, but he pushes me and runs inside. I can tell he is really mad.
I wait for a long time before I see America burst through the door with tears running down her face. She runs down the beach as I quietly laugh to myself. My plan was working! Soon I would have Maxon to myself. Maxon burst through the door as well and stopped when he saw me.
"YOU!" He yelled pointing at me.
"Sweetie, no need to get upset." I say grabbing his hand. He yanks it away.
"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" He screamed loud enough for the whole world to hear. So...I guess my plan needed a little work. The person I was trying to get back doesn't even want to see me.
"Ok...bye darling." I said giving him a wink. He runs back inside and slams the door. I walk away feeling accomplished.

Maxon's POV:

I run inside and slam the door. I fall on my knees and curse under my breath. Was it all an act? Did she just want the crown? She said she didn't know why she married me. I know people say stupid things in an argument, but this. I feel so hurt. We still have 3 days left to our honeymoon. Would we end it short? Or would she forgive me?
Would I forgive her?
I was starving but didn't care to eat. The sun was setting and I haven't seen America since she ran off. It was getting late and I was worried. I can be mad but still be worried. I go outside to see if I can see her. The sun is almost set, there is a little bit of sunlight left so I decided to go look for her. I walk until my feet started to hurt. I should've brought my camera, it was a beautiful sunset. I was about to turn around to look the other way when I heard a sniffle. America! I whip my head around to see her flaming red hair blowing in the breeze. She has her knees tucked up to her chest. She looks my way and I can see her eyes, red from crying. I wanted to run over, wipe the tears off and tell her everything was going to be ok. But part of me held back. I was mad. I walked over and held out a hand to help her up.
"I'm fine-thanks." She said angrily.
She got up on her own and brushed the sand off her dress.
"America, please listen-" I started to beg.
"Maxon- please. Just don't." She said tears starting to run down her cheeks again. I could see right through her. I know she feels bad. She stares into my eyes for what I wished was forever but only a few seconds. She reaches for her wedding ring, takes it off and hands it to me. I feel tears start to form in my eyes. Was this really happening?
"America." I couldn't say anything else.
"You took yours off. I thought you were done." She didn't look at me she just started at the ground. Oh no! I totally forgot! I did! I was just mad in the moment, I didn't mean it! I guess we both did or said something stupid during this argument.
"No! no no no, America I-I I didn't mean it, it was a stupid thing! Just please take the ring back." I said taking her hand to put the ring back on. She jerked her hand away.
"Well, I said something stupid and you haven't forgiven me so, how is that fair?" She asked.
"Well, you say stupid things all the time so-"
"Is that really what you think?" She whispered holding back tears. Did I just say that? NO! I didn't mean it! Oh no! Why? Why did this have to happen!
"No. I didn't mean it."
"Well neither did I when I said 'I don't know'"
I could tell how hurt she is. I reach for her hand but she runs off to the house.
There are millions of places in the world that we could have gone and I picked France? The place where Daphne lives! Uhh! I can't believe myself! I run back to the house trying to catch up to her. Why couldn't things just go back to how they were earlier today. My vision became blurry as tears start to form in my eyes. I needed to get her to forgive me.
I reach the house after 10 minutes of running. Wow! I can't believe how much beach there is. I was right behind America. As I walk up to the house I see her slam the door and run to the room. I run in after her.
I walk in and she has a handful of cloths.
"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"Packing." She said crying really hard.
"Why?" She throws the cloths down and looks at me like I already knew.
"Because I can't be with someone I don't trust."
"Wow! Sounds like something I've felt before." I said with fake humor.
"Please don't"
"But why? You were dating someone else the whole selection! I thought you loved me! I was stupid to think that! I thought you were in love with me! Not some guard." I said raising my voice with every word I said. I saw her stare at me with tears silently running down her face. I knew I pushed the limit with that. She ran out of the room. I didn't try to go after her because I knew what would happen if I tried. I go to the bathroom and get changed into some pajama pants. I get into bed feeling so guilty about what I said. My eyelids get heavy as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night. I reach over to grab America and pull her closer but felt nothing. I open my eyes and remember she didn't come to bed. Where was she. I got out of bed to go check.  I walk to the living room and see her laying on the couch curled into a ball. She didn't have a blanket. She looked so cold. I looked around and remember seeing an extra blanket in the bedroom. I quietly run to the room and grab a white fluffy blanket. I put it over her and lightly kissed her forehead. She snuggled up to the blanket in her sleep and a smile formed on her face. I had to make a plan. The feeling of having her mad at me is eating me alive. I can't take it.
I go back to the bedroom and fall asleep thinking about what to do tomorrow.

2 chapters in one day! We reached 1k views! Thank you so much! I promise that this will turn out good in the end. Just please give it some time. I am so grateful for all the comments and support! Thanks again!

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