Chapter 16

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America's POV:
I wake up to the sweet sent of cinnamon rolls. It smells so good. The mix of cinnamon, sugar, and the glaze frosting. It made my mouth water. I get up and realize I'm still in my floral dress from yesterday. I go back and forth debating if I should go to the kitchen to see what the smell is or go take a shower.
The shower overrules the cinnamon rolls.
I take a quick shower and sneak into the bedroom. Maxon isn't there so I quickly get dressed. I get into a white knee length sun dress with little blue flowers all over it.
I walk downstairs to finally see what that amazing smell was. I walk to the kitchen and see Maxon standing by the oven. Was he making cinnamon rolls? Part of me wanted to laugh but part of me thought it was so sweet. He saw me standing there and stared into my eyes. I felt tears forming in my eyes when he broke the silence.
"G-good morning. Sleep well?"
"Uh-ya. How about you?" I asked him
Well that was awkward...should I say something now? This whole arguing thing is getting exhausting. We fight all the time but I don't think there has been one this bad before.
"So, do you want some breakfast?" He asked
"Yes please."
Just as I said that the oven went off and he pulled out a pan of cinnamon rolls. He put it on the stove and took a piece for me and a piece for him. They were a little dark on the bottom but there than that it looked good. He drizzled frosting over it and gave me a plate. For some reason I felt like we were back to normal. Like this whole thing with Daphne never happened. I want to forgive him. I really do but I keep thinking about what he said. I thought he forgive Aspen. But he brought him up multiple times during the argument. Has he still not let it go. I needed to ask him. I sat down next to him and tilted my head towards him.
"Listen Maxon, I really want to work this out. But to do that we can argue when trying to fix everything." I told him.
"I agree."
"If I ask questions can you please try not to get mad."
"I'll try." He said with a little smile.
"Have you still not forgiven Aspen all the way?" I asked him while playing with my food. While he thinks I take a bite. Wow! These are good!
"Good huh?" He asked
"They are! How did you-"
"My father went on a business trip to New Asia and my mom taught me how to make these." I just smiled.
"Oh and back to the question, uhm. I have forgiven him, why?"
"Because you brought him up in the argument multiple times."
He looked at the floor.
"I had nothing to use as defense. Your kind of perfect..."
"So you were just using it because you had nothing to defend yourself with?"
"Pretty much." He said looking ashamed.
"Thank you for telling me."
He nodded his head.
"Can I ask you one now?"
I nodded.
"Why did you say 'I don't know' when I asked why you married me. Did you just want the crown?" He asked clenching his fists.
I look down.
"Because...well. I guess I really don't have a reason. But I promise that I didn't mean it."
"No one says anything for no reason."
"Fine! Because I was upset! I'm sorry for loving someone so much that when I see him kissing another girl I get upset. Maxon it broke me! Seeing your hands on her shoulders-" I said started to trail off. He took my hands and I didn't even try to fight him.
"America, I know anyone in my position would lie and say they were trying to push away, that's exactly what I was doing. You don't have to believe me because anyone would say that but please...just think about it."
I just look down.
"I love you too much to ever do such a thing." He whispered. I look up at him. I can see in his eyes that he isn't lying. I couldn't hold back anymore, I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. It takes him a minute to respond with he wraps his arms around me. We stayed there in silence for a minute before he whispered in my ear,
"How did I get so lucky?"
I pull away from the hug.
"Really? Maxon I get everything wrong, you weren't actually kissing her. I got jealous and I'm sorry." I whispered the last part. He puts a finger under my chin to make me look at him.
"Darling, your perfect."
That made me smile. My favorite thing about arguing is that we always make up in the end.
No matter how bad it is, we love each other too much. I hugged him again. He leaned in for a kiss but I stoped him. He looked disappointed.
I start laughing. He raised a eyebrow.
"Because of this."
I dip my fingers in the frosting and wipe some on his cheek. He started laughing and dipped his fingers in the frosting. I stood up and got behind my chair.
"Don't you dare!" I told him.
He started walking slowly but then sped up to a run and started chasing me. He reached for my arm and pulled me back. He looked at me for a second and then wiped the frosting on my nose. We both ran back to the bowl and started throwing frosting at each other. We were both laughing so hard. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close.
"I'm sorry. For everything. I promise no more Daphne, no more arguing, just us."
I leaned in to kiss him but this time he stopped me.
"Oh and one more thing." He said reaching for something. He reached back to the bowl and found just a little bit more frosting on the side. He wiped it on my forehead.
We both laughed and he leaned to kiss me.
We broke apart and looked at the kitchen.
"We should probably clean this." He told me stating the obvious.
"You think." I said raising my eyebrows.
"I think we probably need to clean up too."
"What! Maxon I already took a shower!"
"Well you need another one."
"Let's clean up first."
"Sounds good."
He goes and grabs some rags and gets them wet. I grab the mop.
We were done cleaning in about 20 minutes which actually took longer that I thought.
I run upstairs and see Maxon following me. I reach for the bathroom door but a pair of strong arms pull me back.
"Hey!" I complained.
"What? You already had one today. So I think I should go first."
"Exactly! I already had one so I should get to take the shower first because it's not fair I have to take one, twice."
"Are we seriously arguing over who takes a shower first?"
"Yeah! It's your fault! If you let me take the shower first there would be no disagreement."
He just laughed and picked me up and moved me behind him. He runs for the bathroom door but before he can close it I push against the door.
"Wow! Your strong!"
I keep pushing on the door until he pushes it really hard and locks the door.
"Really!" I yell through the door.
I went to the room and made the bed. I pulled out my cloths and then waited for him to be done.
He came in the room and I ran to the bathroom eager to wash off the frosting. I get in the shower and it's cold. I turn it all the way up and it gets warmer but not how I like it. Maxon used all the hot water!
I finish up my cold shower and get out. I put myself in a yellow sundress with a white belt in the middle and put my hair into French braids. I love braiding my hair right after I get out of the shower, because when I take them out my hair is all curly. I walk down the stairs to see Maxon sitting outside on a bench swing. I walk over to him quietly, I was about to touch his shoulders and yell 'boo!' But he somehow knew I was there. He didn't even turn around when he said,
"Hey America."
"What! How did you know I was there?"
"By your sent."
I walk around the bench and go sit next to him. He is using his feet to gently swing it.
"You used all the hot water." I murmured under my breath. He chuckled a little bit before reaching in his pocket. He stood up, walked in front of me, and got down on one knee.
"America rose Schreave, we've had our fights, but this one had to be the worst one. I loved you through each one though. You are my life, my best friend, my other half. If I could go back and redo everything in the past 24 hours I wouldn't do it. Because fighting is who we are. We have our disagreements but it's how we handle them. It makes us a better couple. I love you so much. Never forget that! So...will you make me the happiest man alive and take this ring, to be my wife already."
I laughed at the last part I was so stunned by this.
"Yes!" I stood up and so did he, he pulled me into a kiss and when we broke apart he put the ring on my finger. There were 2 rings in the box. I took the other one and put it on his finger.
"Oh! I have something else for you." He said reaching into his other pocket.
"You didn't have to get me anything."
He smiled and opened up a box that had a sliver heart necklace inside of it.
"Maxon!" I breathed "it's beautiful!"
"Remember when we were at the the store and I told you I didn't get anything."
"You got it then?"
"Ya! I was going to give it to you last night but the whole argument thing happened..."
"Thank you so much!" I hugged him.
He turned me around and he put the necklace on.
I kissed him and he kissed me back. I was so happy he was my husband. I can't wait for our future!

It may just me me but I think they kinda made up to quickly. But knowing Maxon and America they can't stay mad at each other to long. I hope you liked this. Any ideas please let me know :) happy reading!            -Mads❤️

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