Chapter 21

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Maxon's POV:
"Your highness we are doing everything we can."
"Well you need to try harder!" I yell running my hand through my hair. I can't believe the rebels took America, my beloved wife. I'm so worried! I hope she's ok. The thought of what they could do to her made my heart break.
I've had enough of my advisers not trying hard enough to find her, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I storm up to my room and start throwing cloths, a flashlight, rope (just in case), a few protein bars, a bottle of water, and a gun Leger gave me into a backpack. As I'm finishing up packing my mom comes in my room.
"Max-what are you doing?"
"I-uhm-I'm going to find America." I whispered.
"Are you sure that's a good idea, if anything happens to you-..." her voice trailed off.
I go up to hug her as a tear falls down her face.
"The guards and Advisers aren't trying hard enough to find her." I tell her.
"I know you have to go." She hesitated "just please be careful." She said with a stern but calm voice.
"I promise I will and I'll bring America back safe."
With that I ran out of my room and out of the palace.

America's POV:
I wake up feeling a hard kick on my leg.
" Wakey wakey princess." A rebel says.
I open my eyes and sees that he crouched down next to me. He drags a hand down my face as he says "what will we do to you today?"
I just sit there. He stands up.
"Well...we'll figure out something." He says chuckling. He walks out and starts talking to the guard outside. He didn't close the door all the way so I could hear some of what they were saying.
"Has the king sent the money yet?" The rebel that was just in here asks.
"No sir."
"Uh! That king! We did what he wanted and took the girl and he doesn't hold up his end of the bargain!"
It all makes sense now! When the leader told me he was following orders he meant by Clarkson and he promised them money to take me. I can't believe it. I know he doesn't like me but I didn't think he would pay the rebels to take me! I have to get out of here!
Then I remember, the rebel never shut the door all the way. I peek out the door and see that the guard is turned the other way. I try to sneak out but of course I get caught.
"So the princess is trying to escape?" A rebel says walking around the corner.
"Damn it!" I say under my breath.
Just then he comes at me and pushes me back into the room. I fell to the floor and hit my head but not hard enough to knock me out. Then he walks in the room an slams the door shut.
"You think you can get away with what you just did." He yells at me.
He comes up to me and punches me in the face. Then he kicks my stomach and I yelp in pain. If he does anything to my baby I will make sure he regrets it! Just when I think he's done he takes out a knife and cuts my arm and cheek. I couldn't take all of the pain. He did one more cut on my arm before I passed out from all of the pain.

I know this is a short chapter but I've been having writers block. I'm trying to make this a good story, let me know how I'm doing. I will try to have another chapter up tonight or tomorrow. Thanks! Also I changed the book cover hope you like it better :)

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