Chapter 2

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America's POV:

A guard finally found us. But it wasn't just any guard it was Aspen. Maxon got up and made his way over to Aspen angrily. He took aspens shirt a bunched it up, he didn't have any success because of him arm. "You son of-"I cut him off "MAXON! No need to curse! And why do you care about any of this you were going to pick Kriss anyways!" "Because America! I was going to pick you but you broke my heart!" I had enough of him being so angry that I finally had lost it. "YOU KNOW WHAT?! IF YOU HAD JUST GIVEN ME ONE DAMN SECOND TO EXPLAIN EVERYTHING THEN WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION!" They both stood there just looking at me the only difference in their reaction was Maxon's clenched fists. A different guard came in "Your majesty, thank goodness I found you!" He stumbled over his next few words. "It-its Lady Kriss." We all bolted into hospital wing where she was just laying there. No cords or tubes, no heart monitor system, No sound, Nothing. Maxon knelt down next to her and just sat there till a doctor came in to look at his arm. He got it wrapped up, thank goodness it wasn't too bad. Nothing worse than when I got shot the night we snuck out of the palace. When Maxon loved me. The doctor broke the sound by clearing his throat. "Her funeral is in two days." He said quietly. I ran out of the room not being able to process it all. Kriss died that means I have to marry Maxon, I'm the next queen of Illia. But no matter how much Maxon or King Clarkson hated me right now I have to marry him. I didn't know where I was going till I was in the gardens. I sat at mine and Maxon's bench tears streaming down my face. It's like one minute he loves me the next he can't even look at me. I get to marry Maxon, but he didn't choose me. He probably never will. He will never forgive me or Aspen. He will make me sleep alone in the princess suite, if he even lets me in the suite. I lost my train of thought when I heard a low voice. I slowly looked up and saw Maxon. I went to get up but he made me stay. "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now but this has to be done" he told me sounding serous. He pulled out a ring box and got down on my level. "America sing-" I cut him off. I apparently seem to do that a lot. "Maxon. We both don't want this. You don't have to do this just give me the ring and we will get married, no need to be formal." "America will you please listen?" He said surprisingly calm. We sat down on our bench and a million memories came rushing back. He took my hands. "I know we have our fights but I never stopped loving you" "But you did! If it wasn't for the rebels you and Kriss would be happily engaged." "America we can't look at what if's this is what it is and we have to deal with it. All responsibility of being a queen." I pulled my hands from his "I can't do this Maxon. I can't." I whispered. "Yes you can. The America I know doesn't give up...and you actually have to because..." his words trailed off. "I know." I started getting up and walking to my room. "Goodnight America" I don't bother to look back I just mumbled out the words "goodnight."

I'm so excited about this story. I'll make each chapter longer as we go. I hope your enjoying this. I would love to see the comments or suggestions. Have a great day!
xoxo- Mads

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