Chapter 6

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America's POV:

I wake up to my maids pulling back the curtains. "The bath is ready miss."
"Just America please." I tell them. I have a nice relaxing bath. When I get out they put me in a knee length white tank top dress and put my hair into a braid over the top of my head and let the rest of my hair hang over my back. I walk down to breakfast and see Maxon with someone, but not just anyone. Daphne. What is she doing here! I take a deep breath and walk down the stairs. Daphne see's me right away and scowls, Maxon turns around to see me, his mouth drops open and he just stands there looking stunned. I reach him and snap in his face. He comes back to reality, "You look-I mean-Wow!" was all he was able to say. I giggle as he offers me his arm. "Thank you." I say. We take our seats and start eating. "Maxon, can you meet me in the gardens after breakfast? I need to tell you something."
"I have a meeting after breakfast. How about after that?"
"Sounds good!"
After breakfast I make my way to the women's room, I started a book the other day and plan on finish it today. I am about 3 chapters away from finishing when the door to the women's room opens, Princess Daphne walks in.
"So you think you can steal my man!" She yells at me.
"Daphne, please I really don't want to start-"
"Why are you even here?" I ask
"If you should know, Maxon invited me." She said with a smirk on her face.
"Max-Maxon invited you?" She nods her head looking pleased. I feel hurt I thought he loves me? I shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet, there could be many reasons why he invited her here. I decide to ignore her and finish reading my book. She huffed and sat down across from me with a fashion magazine. About 30 minutes later Daphne walks out of the room. I look at the time and see that Maxon should be done with his meeting so I get up and go look for him. I walk out of the women's room and see Maxon pinned up against the wall by Daphne kissing him. I couldn't tell if Maxon hated every second of it or if he was actually enjoying himself. I ran up the stairs crying, Maxon must have seen me because I hear him call my name I ignore him until I make it to my room. I slam the door and see Mary and Paige standing there. I curl myself up into a ball on my bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" Mary asks. I slowly shake my head and hear them leave. There is a knock at my door, I ignore it hoping that they would just go away. "America let me explain." I start crying harder and feel a hand on my shoulder I jerk away. "I don't need you to explain anything! I saw it all!" I yell.
"It's not what you think! Daphne made me-"
"Oh she made you! That explains it all Maxon!"
"I didn't mean it like that. I mean she pinned me against the wall I couldn't do anything!"
I just sit there. I don't know what to do. He takes my hand and sits on the bed. "America, I'm so sorry, I can't change how you feel but please know that I would never do that to you." He says calmly.
"You always say that you would never hurt me! But you always do! You said you were going to marry me but almost proposed to kriss! If it weren't for the rebels you would be happily engaged and maybe even married! Now you cheat on me with Daphne!" I yell at him not caring if the whole castle staff could hear me.
"I never meant to hurt you! Don't you realize you hurt me! The whole selection you were in love with someone else!" He said now angry,
"If you had just given me a second to explain none of this would be happening!" I said twice as angry.
"You know what fine! I messed up, but at least I admit to my mistakes." He yells.
"If you really want me to admit to my mistakes then fine! I made a mistake by being with Aspen during the selection, I made a mistake by not telling you about him! I also made the mistake of not telling you I loved you last night!" I yelled not realizing I said the ending out loud. His face softened and his fists unclenched. "I love you too." He said leaning in for a kiss, I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck he scooted closer to me and put me on his lap. I broke the kiss and pulled back looking into his eyes "America, I'm so sorry. I'll send Daphne home right away." He whispered.
"What is she even here?" I asked not trying to sound rude.
"My dad invited her parents, the king and queen of France, she came along with them." He explained.
"Oh. I'm sorry I lost it." I apologized feeling super guilty.
"No need to be sorry darling." He said with a smile creeping up on his lips.
I giggle and scooted off his lap.
"How about we go to lunch?" He asked
I smiled and pulled him out the door.

Sorry this is not the best, tell me if you want more drama with Daphne, rebel attacks, etc. thanks so much for reading!
                   -Mads :)

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