Chapter 11

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Daphne POV:

I wake up early today so I can look my best. I want to show Maxon what he's missing. I can't believe he married that rat.
I put myself into a long blue dress with basic white heels and put my hair into a low bun. I walk down stairs and see my father in his office.
"Good morning daddy!"
"Morning." He said smiling at me. I sit down on a chair.
"So I was thinking we could go to the beach today." He said.
"Yes! We can invite Maxon!" I explain "and the rat." I whisper under my breath so he won't hear.
"It's their honeymoon Daphne. I think they are going to do their own thing." He explained to me. Uhh! Of course! Their honeymoon.
"Please, at least ask." I begged.
"Fine. We'll ask them at breakfast."
"Ok!" I walked out of his office and up to my room. I looked at all of my bathing suit options. I found one that I hadn't worn at all. This is perfect! It's a neon pink bikini that is really showy. I'm definitely going to get Maxon's attention in this. I grab some white jean shorts and a top. I set it on my bed and go down for breakfast.
I see my mom and dad at the table but don't see Maxon and the rat. I wonder why their late. My dad summoned a maid.
"Please, tell the chefs to hold off bringing out breakfast until Maxon and America come down."
"Yes, your majesty." the maid said curtsying and walking away. I hope we don't wait long.

America's POV:

I wake up to a tickle on my neck. I put the blanket higher up on my neck but it gets pulled back down and the tickle comes back. I turn around and see Maxon with a huge smile on his face.
"Good morning my royal husbandness!" I said
We both laughed and he kissed me.
"Good morning darling." I giggled and snuggled up close to him.
"What would you like to do today?" He asked me.
"Umm. Can we go to the beach?"
"Of course! It will just be you and me!" He said kissing me again. This time it was more passionate. He put his hands on my back trying to find the string for the night gown. He found it and untied it, he pulled it off of me and continued kissing me until we hear the door open. I put the blanket over my uncovered body. Every time! someone has to interrupt us!
"Oh! I'm very sorry but the royal family is requesting your presence for breakfast." She said sounding nervous.
"We will be right down." Maxon told her.
She curtsied and left. I fell back into the pillow.
"I totally forgot we aren't alone!" I said into the pillow. Maxon laughed and kissed my head.
"We need to get ready darling. After today, we can stay in bed as long as you want!" He whispered in my ear smiling. I returned the smile and got out of bed.
I got into a light purple sundress with white sandals and put my hair into a braid. I walk out and Maxon is in a pair of shorts with a blue and white striped tank top.
"You look gorgeous!" He breathed.
"Haha! Just the same way I look everyday." I tell him.
"Yes. But everyday you get more and more beautiful!" I blushed and he held out his arm.

We get to breakfast and everyone is staring at us. How late were we? Daphne was giving me the death stare. Wow! She looks a little bit dressed up for breakfast. Maxon sits next to Daphne with me on his right.
"Sorry we are late. Just a little bit jet lagged." Maxon explained.
"No worries." The king said.
The maids started bringing out blueberry pancakes and bacon. It was so good!
"Maxon, America, we have something to ask you." The king said.
"Ask away." Maxon said.
"Would you like to go to the beach with us after breakfast?"
I saw Daphne staring at Maxon and knew this was all her idea. I know she wants him all to herself.
"Uhm. Thank you so much for the offer! But America and I were just going to spend the day together."
"Of course! This is your honeymoon after all."
The queen said jumping into the conversation.
"But, please Maxon!" Daphne begged.
"She's not going to leave us alone Maxon, maybe we should just go." I whisper in his ear.
"Are you sure? It's ok to say no." He assured me.
I nod my head and Maxon told the king we would go. Daphne literally jumped out of her seat and hugged him. He looked uncomfortable. I grabbed his hand and he looked at me. He smiled and squeezed my hand.

We finish breakfast and head upstairs to get ready. I'm excited for the beach! I go to the suit case and find a floral one piece or a dark blue bikini I pick up the one piece and Maxon shakes his head at me.
"What?" I ask
"No one piece." He said pouting.
"Because I won't get to see you in a bikini." He. Complained.
He smirked, picked me up and threw me in the bed. He started kissing me and I started giggling.
"I'm sorry but you can't make me wear the bikini." I tell him.
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow and started tickling me.
"FINE! fine! You win! I'll wear the bikini!" I yelled. He laughed and gave me a quick kiss before handing me the dark blue bikini.
I come out of the bathroom with a pair of black shorts and a white shirt. Maxon had swim trunks and no shirt. I grab the tank top he was wearing earlier and threw it at him.
"Put on a shirt!" I yelled at him. He laughed and put it on.
"Ok fine! Better?" He asked putting up sarcastic jazz hands.
"Much!" I said jokingly.
We walk down the stairs and start heading to the beach.

I know this is their honeymoon and they should be alone but this is a place where there can be drama between America and Daphne. I hope you enjoyed. More updates coming soon! :)
-Mads ❤️

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