Chapter 13

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Maxon's POV:

I feel so bad. I can't believe I made America think I don't love her. I earned her trust back after I said I was going to chose Kriss, and the last thing I needed was for Daphne to do something stupid. I stepped out of the car and went to open America's door.
"Can I please take the blindfold off now?" She asked whining like a little kid.
"Fine." I say laughing. She takes off the blindfold and has a big smile on her face. I grab her hand and walk her into the sand. I turn her to face me.
"I'm so sorry I made you feel-" I started but she cut me off by kissing me. I wrap my arms around her waist. She puts her hands on my neck and I pick her up bridal style.
"Put me down!" She yells
"Ok...fine" I said and dropped her in the water.
"MAXON!" She stands up and I start running and She jumps up on my back. Wow! She is fast. I run back in the water but tripped and we both fell in. We looked at each other and started laughing. Then I got an idea. I ran out of the water and grabbed my camera. I took a picture of America as she was coming out of the water. I look at the picture and start laughing so hard.
"What?!" She asked. I handed the camera to her still laughing.
"Maxon! I look terrible!" She exclaimed. We both just laughed.
                      -Later in the day-
We are sitting on a blanket and just finished eating dinner. I put my arm around America and she puts her head on my shoulder as we watch the sun set.
"Beautiful, isn't it." I stated
"It is! I love the night sky!" She explained.
"Well the sky is pretty. But I was talking about you." I said. She playfully smacked me.
It got a little chilly so we went inside the beach house I got for us. We went in and I started kissing her. I backed her up and leaned her on the bed. I started kissing down her neck as she played with the buttons on my shirt. I helped her with the last few buttons and threw my shirt onto the floor. I picked her up and we moved deeper into the bed. The night turned into something much more than that.

America's POV:

I wake up to the sun shining through the windows and the light breeze blowing the curtains. I turn around to see Maxon already up.
"Morning sweetheart." He said with a smile which made me giggle.
"I have a surprise for you." He told me.
"What is it?"
"I'm making breakfast." Wait! in Maxon Schreave. Make breakfast.'s that thought that counts.
"You-your making breakfast?" I asked to clarify.
"Yup!" I started laughing. "What?" He asked
"You have no cooking experience." I told him.
"I-I know. I just wanted to try." He said looking sad.
"I'm sorry." I hugged him. He started laughing. Why? Why was he laughing I thought he was upset. He started tickling me! I scream.
"Maxon! Stop!"
"Ok your highnesses." He gets up, kissed me, and goes to the kitchen. I take the sheet and wrap it around me. I make my way to the suit case and pull out a floral sun dress. I put my hair into a side braid and head down to the kitchen. Surprisingly it smelled good. 
"Smells good." I said walking in. He looks at me and smiles. He held out his hand, I took it and he pulled me to the stove. He was making eggs. I hug him as he served breakfast. He handed me a plate that had eggs, bacon, and toast on it. We sat down and I tried the eggs first.
"Wow! This is actually really good!" I exclaimed.
"Did you doubt me?" He asked.
"Uhh, maybe a little." He laughed and I tried the bacon. It was a little chewy but good. Lastly I ate the toast. It was hard as a rock. Out of everything I was surprised he messed up the toast. He bit into the bread and it crumbled. I burst out laughing and so did he. He walked over the counter and turned on some music.
"Can I have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand.
"Why of course you may!" I said taking his hand. He wrapped both of his hands around my waist, I put both my hands around his neck and laid my head on his chest. We swayed to the music for what felt like forever. I loved being here with him. Being in his arms made me feel safe. I love him so much! The music stoped he bowed and I curtsied. We laughed and he kissed me. We cleaned up the kitchen and he took me outside where there was a limo waiting for us. He opened the door for me and came in after. This must be another one of his surprises because he won't tell me where we are going. I wish we could be here forever! Just me and him. No cameras, No guards, No work. Just us. I leaned my head on his shoulder and help his hand for the rest of the ride.

Sorry for the long wait. I had a bunch of school work but I'm done and I'm on spring break so there will be more updates. Thanks so much for all the views! I didn't make it to intimate. Hope you liked it! :)

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