Chapter 20

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America's POV:
I woke up and my head was pounding. I sit up and look around me. I see a door that had a little cell window at the top and the walls are concrete with cracks in them. I look over to the far corner and see a toilet. Where was I?
Just then my stomach started to hurt and I had the urge to throw up. I run to the toilet and throw up. I had an idea why but there was no way!
I lost my train of thought when a young girl came in the room, maybe 20?
"A-are you ok?" She asked in a soft voice.
"Y-ya I-"
I turned back to the toilet and felt her come and hold my hair back.
"Why are you being so nice?" I asked her
"Because-well, I don't want to be rude. My father is the leader and my mom died-so I'm kinda stuck with my dad." She explained to me.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"It's ok. Are you sick?"
"I don't know I just recently started throwing up." I told her.
"I'll be back in a minute. I have an idea."
After that she left and I put my back against the wall and sat there until she came back with a package in her hand. She handed me the package and I saw it was a pregnancy test. Was she crazy! I'm definitely not pregnant!
"What! I'm not pregnant!" I told her.
" doesn't hurt to try."
With that she left.
It took me a minute to finally take the test out of the package and try. When I was done I put the test face down next to me. I was really tired so I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

I woke up to the door being opened. It was that girl again. She walked over to me and set down a cup of water and a piece of bread.
"Sorry. I tried to have them give you more but this is all I could get you to eat." She said looking down.
"It's ok. I appreciate it."
She looked at me confused.
"You are a lot nicer than I thought you were."
I laughed a little.
"I try."
We both laughed and she sat down next to me noticing the test.
"Have you looked?" She asked motioning to the test.
"Uh-no I fell asleep."
I pick up the test and close my eyes. There was no way right? How was I going to tell Maxon? When will I see Maxon again?
I hesitated but opened my eyes and looked at the test.
I stared at the test. This couldn't be happening!
I had so many mixed emotions.
"So...?" The girl asked
"I'm gonna be a mom." I whispered with a smile coming onto my face. I say it a little louder this time.
"I'm gonna be a mom!"
She smiled an hugged me.
"Oh! I'm so sorry your highness. I didn't mean to-"
"It's ok, really." She smiled at me.
"Also I didn't get your name."
"It's Quinn."
"Nice to meet you Quinn."
She smiled and we both started taking. It was nice to have a friend here. Or at least someone to talk to.
"Quinn! Your father wants to speak to the lady." A rebel said opening the door.
"Ok. Well send him in." Quinn says stubbornly.
"Alone." The rebel said annoyed.
"I'll be back soon." Quinn told me.
I nod and as she walks away she mouths the words 'sorry.'
I wait until the head rebel walks in. He walks over to me and crouches down.
"So I hear your the princess now." He chuckles darkly. He stands up and starts pacing slowly.
"I wonder how your dear husband would react if we hurt you." He stops and looks in my eyes. I think he can see the fear cause he quickly starts talking again.
"Not like we're going to hurt you or anything. But we are thinking about it." He chuckled again.
I can't believe this. Was he going to hurt me? I can get through this. Maxon got caned for me, so I know I can get through this.
"Why did you take me?" I finally asked him.
"Oh so you so talk, well let's just say...we had orders."
"But your the leader don't you tell other people order? Not the other way around?"
Just then I feel a sharp pain on my right cheek.
"DON'T QUESTION ME AGAIN! OR IT'LL BE A LOT WORSE!" With that he left and Quinn came back in.
"I'm so sorry for my fathers behavior..."
"It's fine, really. I think I'm going to get some sleep though." I told her.
"Ok. I'll come back tomorrow. Goodnight." She said and then left.
I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

I just want to say thank you for your patience. I have been terrible at updating, but me and my family just moved so I have been kinda busy. Thanks so much for all of the views :)
Happy reading ❤️

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