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"Come on America you can do it!" Maxon whispers to me kissing me on the forehead.
I squeeze his hand so tight, I see a look on his face. It quickly goes away as he thinks about how much more pain I'm in.
"Just a little more!" The doctor says to me.
Just then I hear a small cry and lean my head back on the pillow.
"Still one more to go and it's coming now." The doctor yells handing the first baby off to the nurse.
After what seems like forever both of my baby's are placed in my arms.
"It's a miracle." I whisper to Maxon.
"It really is." He says back.
"So what are the names?" The doctor asks in a soft voice.
"For the girl Eadelyn, and for the boy, Aaron."
"Princess Eadelyn and prince Aaron, it's beautiful your majesty."
"You look tired darling." Maxon says
"Ha you try pushing two baby's out of you."
"Fair point." He laughs and a suggests I should take a nap. I hand him the baby's and drift off to sleep.
A lot has happened in the past few months. Quinn is safe and we found out she loves to bake so she now had a job as a baker. Her and Marlee became good friends so we all are good friends. Everyone thought the baby's wouldn't survive but right before they were going to take them out they took the baby's heart beat, hoping there was still a chance. And there was. Both of them had a steady heart rate and were growing properly. It was the best day. About a weeks after that a few rebels showed up to the palace. We almost went on lockdown until the showed they were un armed and just wanted to talk.

"Look even though we don't like you...we dislike your father even more." One tall muscular guy that I learned name was Kyler said.
"What we are trying to say is that one day when we attacked the palace we were about to shoot the King but he offered us the new Princess..." a Small dark haired girl who's name is Olivia said motioning to me "who was pregnant, he said that he would pay us a big amount of money to come back at a specific day and time and kidnap the princess and only the princess."
"So my father almost killed my wife and My kids!?" Maxon yells standing up.
"Yes! And she would've been dead if she didn't escape!" Olivia yells. A guard from the side of the room comes over and holds her down.
Maxon dismisses the guard and they continued on the story.
"Anyways we took the princess and no one else. We beat her and tried to starve her. The king said 'A slow painful death'" Kyler says quoting Clarkson.
"I CANT BELIEVE THAT SON OF A B-" Maxon yells freaking out again. I put my hand on his arm and he instantly calms down.
"I'm sorry please continue." I tell Kyler.
"As I was saying we kept waiting for the money and we attacked that palace again specifically going for him. He said he'll have it to us within the week. We agreed as that being his last chance, did we hurt him? Yeah, but we didn't kill him." Kyler continues.
"So just to get this straight...my father paid you a whole lot of money to kidnap and kill my wife and our kids?" Maxon asks every word getting louder as he speaks.
"Yup sounds about right, except for one thing. He never paid us." Olivia says sounding annoyed "so just expect an attack sometime soon." She says. That was the last thing they said before leaving the castle.

After that conversation we couldn't believe he had actually done that. We waited weeks and still no attack. Until one night around 1am we heard the alarm go off. We had a safe room right by our room so me and Maxon quickly lock up in there. In the end everyone was safe...except one. King Clarkson. There he was. Laying lifelessly on the floor. The rebels did say they were gonna get revenge. And they did. Maxon had mixed looks on his face, it looked like he couldn't settle on just one. I go over and hug him and then go comfort Queen Amberley.
After that she decided to hang up her title as Queen and gave it to me. Soon after we had a coronation and Maxon was crowed King. 4 months later brings me to the present. Where I am right now. Sleeping with my Husband next to me holding my two beautiful new born baby's. life could not get any better than this.
I would hate for this to end like a fairytale, but it certainly does seem like one.
So with that...We all lived Happily Ever After.
The end.

Thank you guy so much for the patience! I am so sorry again for the long wait but this is the end of the book! I'm writing another book right now called "A bond that can't break" if you wanna go check that out. Again thank you so much for all of the support! I hope this was a good last chapter! 🤍

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