Chapter 25

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Maxon's POV:
I wake up to be blinded by the sunlight streaming through the window. I still feel tired despite a full nights sleep. I open my eyes all the way and see that I'm in the room outside of the hospital room.
Then it all clicked. America! Is she ok? I jump to my feet a see doctor Asher come through the door.
"Your highness-"
"Is she ok? Can I see her?"
"Yes you can, but she won't wake up for a while."
That's all I needed to hear. I ran into the room and fell on my knees.
"Your highness, there is something I must tell you." Doctor Asher said coming in.
I nodded my head.
"Her highness is pregnant with twins and we're not sure if they are going to make it."
America is pregnant? Why didn't see tell me? Did she know? Twins?
So many questions, so many emotions. But I'm mostly scared. I might lose my wife, my only reason for living and my children that I haven't even met yet. Those rebels! If my kids die I will go kill all of the rebels myself! I sit in the chair next to her bed and hold her hand, praying that she and our kids will be ok.

"your father is requesting your presence at dinner." A maid came to tell me. I didn't even bother looking to see which maid it was, but I didn't care cause I wasn't going to dinner. Even if I would get punished for it.
"Tell him to eat without me. I'm not leaving America." I told the maid.
A few seconds later I heard her soft steps get quieter as she walks off.
"I'm not leaving you America, I never will. Not until the very last beat of my heart."
I closed my eyes and held her hand with both of mine.
I sit there trying to picture us sitting in the garden at our bench watching our kids run around and playing together. America holds my hand a little tighter-I open my eyes hoping it wasn't just my imagination. I stare at our hands and see her hand move.
"America?" I whisper
She moves her head a little bit.
"Please" I whisper
I see her eyes flutter a bit and her breaths are getting bigger.
When her eyes open I almost jump out of my seat.
"America?" I whisper again.
She turns her head to look at me and smiles.
I get up and hug her. I hold on to her like my like depended on it.
"Maxon, Quinn? The baby?"
"Quinn is ok. She is in the other room, the doctors wanted to make sure nothings wrong."
I took a breath.
"And the babies."
I watched as the expression on her face change into a little smile at the word 'babies' I know she wants kids and I hate to tell her that they might not make it.
"The doctors don't know if their going to make it."
Tears form in the corner of her eyes and start to fall.
She leans into me and starts crying. This past week has been hard for America. We come home from our honeymoon and she gets kidnapped by the rebels and now our babies might now make it.
"It'll be ok darling" I told her stoking her hair.
I sat there holding her for an hour before she fell asleep. I had to go talk to Dr. Asher.
I kissed America's head before going to find Dr. Asher.
When I got to his office I ask him if there's anything they can do for our kids.
"No unfortunately we just have to hope for the best." He pats me on the back before walking out. I hang my head and walk back to see America.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry! It's been like a year since I've updated I just kinda lost motivation for it but I just started another book and thought I'd update this one. I'll try to finish this book. Again I'm so sorry for waiting so long.

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