02: A New Beginning.

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02 : A new beginning.


It's been a week since Eris came back from the dead. She's been doing a couple of things she didn't usually do before like; running around the mansion, climbing on trees, punishing servants, and even injuring those knights who sparred with her. Surely, the 18-year-old young lady won't do things just for fun. Or not.

Aside from that, her father had been receiving a couple of reports regarding Eris' changed behavior. He found it odd, and at the same time meaningless that he ordered the head butler, Raphael, to stop reporting unnecessary things to him. Like things about his daughter.

Her brothers, on the other hand, would talk a bit about her. But just to some extent. Like before, they really didn't bother involving themselves to that child's business.

"My lady. Are you sure you want to attend this month's banquet?" Alois asked.

Alois was a young lady that's a year older than her master. She has a short, brown silky hair and a pair of bright yellow eyes. Alois was the only maid who stayed beside Eris through thick and thin, and the only one who supported her genuinely.

Eris had flashed a toothy grin at her before she threw the book she was reading on the table of her room. "Yes. Bring the dressmaker tomorrow, so I can buy a new set of dresses." And with that, her master left the room.

It was still early, but Eris was already planning on doing something today. She was on her way to the greenhouse when the head butler grabbed her attention by informing her of her unwanted visitors.

"Young miss, the priests are here to take you to the Church."

Eris stopped and turned around to face him, her cream-colored dress twirling because of her action. "Where are they?"

"In the sitting room with the young master Caius and young master Sevan."

Eris couldn't hide the frown that graced her forehead. She strode to the sitting room, leaving the butler behind. The heels on her light pink shoes made loud noises as she took heavy steps. She didn't plan anything for her new life yet, but she was sure enough that she wanted to cut ties with everyone, including the Church. Well, if she can, she would.

As soon as she reached the drawing room, she opened the door and stepped inside. The priests, who were chatting with her brothers, stood up to greet her and she did the same.

"So, how can I be of help with the Church today?" She quickly shot the question right after the formalities.

The four men glanced at one another. Then the tall priest spoke, "The Cardinal wishes for the lady to attend the meeting today with the nobles. We believe that the lady could provide help to us once again with the lady's great insights."

'Are they talking about the sugar-coated praises I always say regarding the greatness of the Church and God's will? Man, this suck.' Eris thought.

She concealed her thoughts by smiling at them, the same smile she uses whenever she's in front of the people who looked up to her like she's a saint.

"Is that so? I'd be more than willing to offer my assistance to the servants of the Lord today. My dear brothers will continue to accompany you for a little while, while I prepare. Excuse me for a moment." Like the humble lady she should be, Eris spread her skirt, placed her leg behind and bent down a little, showing a proper curtsy to the priests. To add a much dramatic effect to her exit.

A smirk flashed on her face as she got out of the drawing room. It was just a short scene, but the bewilderment from her brothers' faces were too funny to ignore. Eris marched back to her room. She asked Alois for assistance as she changed into a much befitting dress for a good child like her.

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