23: An Aftermath.

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23 : An aftermath.


The knights searched through and through the safe house and its surroundings as soon as the black fire died. They needed to confirm if there was anyone or anything they can find related to the people who abducted the divine ladies. Unfortunately, only dead bodies remained on the burnt house.

On the other hand, Eris and Harmonia were brought back to the Auberon Villa. Two doctors had checked them separately and no other people from the church were allowed to visit them. As per the doctors' report, the two didn't get any serious wounds, but a great trauma had caused their bodies to become a little weak.

The Belladonnas couldn't insist for their youngest child to be transferred to their manor because of the matrimonial union that Duke Auberon and Eris had shared a month ago. Even the twins were shaken because of what happened to their stepmother and their father, Lurice, was nearly close to searching the Church to locate their abductors.

Fortunately, the divine ladies' guardians, Syl and Sylver, stopped him. He didn't want to listen to them at first, not after he heard the reason why they are their so-called guardians. Syl and Sylver were like twins and are both the messenger of God and the Lord of Hell then after the two higher celestials foresaw the empire's future, they had tasked the twins to look for the blessed children and guard them.

Lurice also found out that the dreams he had relating to Eris were some sort of their past life. And in order to save the empire from real destruction from that past life, Harmonia offered her divinity to the Lord of Hell and made a contract with Sylver. This triggered them to return to a specific time in the past. And this will cost Harmonia her divine powers once the prophecy has been fulfilled.

Even the gruesome search for the Child of the Prophecy that the church and a few nobles did in secret were brought up by the guardians. The young lives that were thrown to waste gave them the intense urge to bring the Church down and the remaining believers of the Holy Empire.

No matter how bloodied it might become, the two dukes made a silent vow to eradicate all of the worshippers of that church.

However, it was still a confusing story from the Belladonnas perspective, especially the fact that they were one of the many people who had been brainwashed by the holy soldiers, but for Lurice who had been questioning the encounter a few months ago, it was an enlightenment.

"It wasn't a coincidence that I was drawn to her," Lurice whispered to himself.

Their retelling ended with the information regarding the holy soldiers. The two knew how important it is not to disclose the upcoming events that will happen soon, or else the balance will completely be ruined.


"They wanted to clean the world off of humans," Eris said.

She finally woke up after a deep, long slumber for three days. Beside her was Harmonia, who was still frowning from the aching parts on her body.

"How should we deal with this then?" Duke Belladonna asked.

They were all gathered in the Auberon Villa's sitting room. Lurice didn't like the idea of Eris moving from her bed already, but the Duchess insisted that she needed to talk about the remaining things they needed to do to avoid destruction.

"We can start by retaliating. Bringing chaos in the empire. Ruining the church," Harmonia enumerated the suggestions she had on her fingers when Eris looked at her.

Eris chuckled at her suggestions. "And you're supposed to be the one who'll help rebuild the empire," she teased her, making the other one blush from the sudden embarrassment.

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