10: The Marriage Ceremony.

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10 : The marriage ceremony.


Because of the bride's father's insistence, the wedding venue was changed. It was supposed to be held in one of the Auberon's properties, but it was changed to the Belladonna's Greenhouse located near the Imperial Palace. The wedding was smoothly pushing through along with Eris' plans.

The day before her wedding, she asked Alois to buy an information in the Information Guild and she was expecting for it to arrive today before the ceremony starts.

The past few days weren't rough for her; however, it was agonizingly frustrating. She had recalled random memories from her first life, if that's how she should generally refer to it, and most of those memories involve Lurice, Harmonia, and that woman she still couldn't remember the name or face.

Her memories of that time didn't feel like a distant one because of how vivid it feels. But somehow, she was too confused if all of those were real, or if they were just a fragment of a lingering emotion within her. Specially memories about Lurice. There were times that they were secretly talking to each other whenever they meet at a banquet or a gathering. And the other times were when Lurice had saved her from dangers reach. And all of those are memories she couldn't really recall on her own.

'Maybe that's the reason why he feels familiar...' She once thought. But she quickly shrugged it off. How can that possibly happen when she can't remember him completely? Were her memories being tampered or something? But how can that be? All she could do was think and ask herself mentally, although she was aware that she wouldn't be able to hear any answer from herself either.

"My lady, please stay still. We're almost finished." Loren requested as they add a few finishing touches to Eris' hair and make-up.

She heaved a soft sigh as she stayed still. She also wanted to escape from their perfectionist grasp because of how suffocating her face powder feels.

"Now, we're done," Loren announced. She smiled proudly as she guided Eris closer to the full-body mirror placed in the room.

Eris was clad in a luxurious silver cream dress with see-through sleeves. The dress itself screams sophistication and it was adorned with pearls and flower embroidery to add to the soft princess-like image that it emits. Her midnight blue hair was kept in a loose braided bun and was decorated with a long satin veil. Her delicate feet were wrapped in a pair of silver shoes adorned with a huge crystal bow, while her neck and ear were accentuated with a mini pair of jewelries, just enough to emphasize her angelic appearance.

A blush formed on her cheeks as she continued to take in her appearance. Truthfully, she had never been decorated like this even in her first life. She had always worn humble clothing paired with a couple of common gems. Not that she couldn't afford it, but she wanted to look humble and friendly towards everyone, which was something she regretted.

"My lady... You look like a goddess..." Alois giggled in awe. Loren agreed with her by letting out a soft squeal.

"You're praising me too much," Eris said shyly.

They were still immersed in complimenting the lady when they heard a knock on the door.

It was the Belladonna's head butler. "My lady." Eris already knew the reason why he called for her that she didn't need to hear the remaining words he wished to say. She quickly asked her maid to open the door.

They were already done, and the next thing she was supposed to do was to go outside and attend the ceremony.

"Father..." Her eyes widen at the sight of her father, but she was mostly surprised when she saw her brothers waiting for her as well. "Did I keep you waiting?" She asked.

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