08: Her First Step, II.

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08 : Her first step, Part II.


"Here is the information I collected from the task you gave me, milady." Alois handed an envelope to Eris. It was a grey envelope wrapped with a black ribbon.

Eris was currently in the balcony of her room. She was sitting on the chair of the mini table set placed on her balcony. It was already nighttime and most of the servants in the mansion were already resting.

"Thank you, Alois. You can take a seat in front of me." Eris smiled at her, but because of the dim glow of the moon, her smile looked a little distorted.

Alois was reluctant, but she ended up obeying her orders. She was worried because she could feel someone watching them somewhere. Alois was also sure that her master could sense the person watching them, but she seemed unfazed, unlike her.

Alois was a trained assassin of the Belladonnas. She was a former knight trainee as well, but out of admiration to the only lady of the Belladonnas, she quit her training and applied for the empty spot as a maid that will personally serve Eris.

"Are these all of it?" Eris asked after checking the contents of the envelope.

Alois nodded her head. "Yes, my lady. There were no other information that I could get because of the high security of that place."

"I see. You can go back and rest now. Tomorrow's a busy day for us."

"My lady there's─" Eris cut her off quickly before she could finish what she wanted to tell her.

"I know. Rest for now," Eris said in a dismissing tone.

Alois stood from her seat then she bowed to her.

"Yes, my lady." And she left her room with her mind still worrying about the person watching them.

Eris was aware of the presence spying on them, but she pretended to be oblivious and not paid much attention to it. She wasn't sure who it might be, but she has someone in mind. Someone who has enough power and influence to infiltrate a Duke's place.

Eris chuckled inwardly. She glanced up the dark sky. She wasn't sure what she must do in this second life she obtained, and until the real purpose of this second chance is revealed, then she will continue to enjoy playing with the people who tormented her back then. And of course, for that to happen, she needs to be sharp and wise to properly utilize the cards she has.

She carried the envelope inside and locked the door to her balcony. Eris hid the information that Alois gave to her in a secret compartment on her side drawer then she climbed on her bed.

The information that she received from Alois compiled in the envelope was a written report about the Church and the Imperial Family. The task she gave her was to check on any suspicious movements of the Church that they do behind closed doors. And what Alois found were some gruesome information. The Church had been secretly disposing huge sacks at night through a wagon. These huge sacks are being moved to the western part of the empire where the Forest of Spruce was located.

The Forest of Spruce was an infamous forest where bandits and scary beings hide, or at least that's what the rumor says. Only those with evil intentions visit the forest. Evil intentions like burying a couple of dead bodies and the likes.

Eris was frowning as she tries to recall the reason why the Church was disposing a couple of huge sacks at night. Despite the clear order that she gave to Alois, she still reminded her personal maid to take care of herself. Which is why Alois didn't go in any farther inside the Forest of Spruce to personally question the ones who were doing the Church's dirty business.

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