13: The Black Auction, II.

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13 : The Black Auction, Part II.


The lady with the pink mask went upstairs, beside her was the man wearing a grey mask. They followed the pair of black rose masks that went upstairs. The second floor of the auction house was a little darker than the floor downstairs, it was supposed to give an enchanting vibe for partners. Nevertheless, they could still see the door of the rooms thanks to the torch mounted on the walls.

The lady was busy looking around while the man checked the rooms. They reached the second room to the last. It was half opened then she leaned forward to check inside. A gasp escaped her lips when she felt someone grabbing her by the wrist. She couldn't squeal because the person who pinned her against the wall covered her mouth quickly with a handkerchief.

"Don't make any sound." Her eyes widen at the familiar voice behind her. She nodded her head and the next thing she felt was a force pushing her inside the half-opened room beside them.

"What do you want from me?" The familiar woman asked again, finally letting her go.

"Eris..." She whispered.

Only the two of them was inside the room. Eris was standing beside the door, while Harmonia stood in front of her. She didn't budge even if the other called her name.

"I'm here to help. I'll tell you everything right now, but let them in," she said, referring to the other two men left outside.

Eris stared at her for a second, trying to read through her. But in the end, she gave up when her dark threads did not feel anything weird from Harmonia. She heaved a sigh, turned her back from her and opened the door behind her.

"Come inside." She motioned for Lurice and the other man to come in.

The room was small, but it was enough to room four people who would only talk. There was one chair, one bed and a side table beside it. Eris leaned against the wall, arms crossing against her chest as she looked at Harmonia. Harmonia took the bed, while the man that was with her sat beside her, and Lurice stood against the door, as if to guard it.

Eris could feel a familiarly weird energy coming from the man with the grey mask. She couldn't make out what kind of energy it was, so she tried to focus on Harmonia for the meantime.

"Please speak. We don't have all the time in the world," she uttered, voice laced with irritation.

Harmonia chuckled at her impatient behavior, and it made Eris frown. 'Impatient as always,' she thought.

"Hold his hand first, so you could remember all the memories sealed within you. You'll need it," Harmonia instructed.

Eris' eyebrow arched at her remark. She was the first one to reach out to her, so why should she follow someone as suspicious as her. She shook her head and stepped backwards, closer to Lurice.

"Speak or we'll leave. I won't give a damn to whatever you wish to say if you won't say it now. I rarely regret things, Harmonia," she said, as if to remind her who she was.

Eris could feel the energy of the grey masked shift, as if he was baring his claws at them, and Eris was prepared to fight him back. Harmonia might've sensed the divine energy surrounding the room that she quickly speaks.

"I'm here to form an alliance with you. I'm not an enemy. I'm also a victim and I wish to stand beside you and help you seize the right enemies, Eris," Harmonia started. She clasped her hands on her lap as she looked up to her, holding Eris' gaze. "A month from now, I will be announced as the new child of the prophecy. I will occupy the same place beside Eris as the child of God and will be blessed the name Harmonia Luan Holicrux. That will be arranged by the Empress and the Cardinals."

THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now