18: The Eidells and The Twins, II.

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18 : The Eidells and the Twins, Part II.


It was the day of their visit to the Auberon Duchy. The maids who hated taking care of the kids were now helping them to get dressed. The two wore a beautiful blue pair of matching clothes. They also wore a dark blue beret cap on their small heads. It was the only proper clothes they have, so they didn't have many options. They might just need to identify themselves by their names. The Eidell couple were also wearing matching blue clothes, but theirs looked more elegantly than the pair of twins.

The Baroness checked on her grandchildren first, making sure that they were wearing the long-sleeved coat she gave to them last night. It was to hide the bruises and small scars painted on their young skin.

"But if the duke sees it, we could just pin the blame to the tutor. After all, he was the one hurting the kids," the Baron whispered to his wife when he saw what she was doing.

There was this predative smirk they have as they look at them. Valentyne and Lysander pretended not to notice them and just looked at one another. When the carriage prepared by their servant came, the four all went outside.

"Take care of the house, Jessi. We'll be back quickly," the Baron instructed their head butler.

"Yes, my lord." Jessi bowed to him.

The pair of twins sat side by side on the left side of the carriage while the Baron couple were on the right side. The two were silent. They were just listening to their grandparents talk.

"If we tell them that we're planning to hire his kids a tutor for horseback riding, will he allow them?" The Baron asked.

The Baroness rolled her eyes as she fans herself with her feathered fan. "I don't think they're already fit to ride a horse. They might break their necks on the process."

The Baron's lips formed into a thin line as he nods his head, glancing on the kids in front of them. His wife was right. So, what other things could they enroll the two in order to extort more money from the duke?

'Is money really everything for adults?' Lysander thought, somehow curious about the other adults outside the world.

The ride from the carriage was taking on smoothly. The Eidell Estate wasn't that far from the eastern part of the empire capital. They were almost close when their carriage broke down. The twins hugged one another, reflexively, while the Baroness screamed from shocked.

It turned out that one of the wheels of the carriage crashed on a pointed rock on the road. The coachman told them that it would take at least half an hour to fix since the carriage stopped in the middle of the road. Fortunately enough, there was a small mart a few minutes away from where they were. So, the Baron couple have decided to check on the mart while waiting. They left the kids with the coachman and brought the knight with them.

"Will this take long?" Lysander asked.

"It might. The coachman probably needs someone to help him, but they brought the knight with them," Valentyne answered.

There was a huge tree beside the carriage, so the two sat on one of the rocks there as they watched the coachman. The coachman was one of the very few people who usually looks after them in secret. So, they were lucky enough not to be forced into helping from changing the tire of the carriage.

"I wonder what father is doing by now," Lysander whispered. The question was meant only to himself, but Valentyne heard him.

"He's probably working."

Lysander glanced at him with a pout on his lips. "You don't believe grandmother?"

"What?" Valentyne asked, tilting his head. "That father's enjoying his life without us?"

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