07: Her First Step, I.

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07 : Her first step, Part I.


"Poor little thing, you thought you already have the world in your hands, right? But then fate decided to slap you with reality, and sadly, you were proven wrong." The lady in a red glamorous dress bent down a little, as if she was leveling her head with Eris' injured face.

Her hands covered with red laced gloves cupped her chin then she hastily lifted Eris' face up, making her look up to her. Her familiar amber eyes glimmered with greed as she looked down at her pair of pink orbs.

"Just by looking at you makes me puke. It would have been great if you had died along with your mother." She spat. Her hand quickly tossed her head away as if she was a dirty object laying around in front of her graciousness.

"Do you have any idea why you're in this sort of situation? Well, it's because I hated your mother so much. Lucia, that wench took everything from me!" Her thunderous voice echoed inside the cell where Eris was chained.

Eris, who was in a dazed while listening to her endless blabbering, eventually laughed in a crooked manner. The young girl had only one thought in mind; "This woman had gone crazy." Crazier than her!

The woman in the red dress kicked the side of Eris' stomach out of frustration. Because of her frail body, Eris rolled on the floor as she whimpered. "You! You dirty daughter of that insolent wench! How dare you laugh at me!" Eris was now sure that the woman in front of her wasn't as stable as her. She was far worse than she had ever become.

Instead of sparing her a glance or responding to her taunts, Eris only stared at the wall beside her. Her lifeless pink orbs illuminating the sharp light lurking inside of her. There was a voice whispering in her ears, wanting to be heard by her, but Eris rejected the sweet temptation of hurting this crazy woman and so, she remained motionless.

"Mother! We must go now!" What made her move was the familiar voice calling onto the crazy woman beside her.

Eris sneaked a glance, and an unintentional grin hangs on her lips. If one would witness how her mood had suddenly changed, they'll eventually think that Eris had finally gone mad. But deep inside, Eris felt amused. Just now, the other child of the prophecy who took everything from her called the crazy woman 'mother'.

"I see. So that's how it was. Enjoy everything while it lasts, Harmonia," was Eris' last words before she blacked out from the next blow that the crazy woman inflicted on her.


"My lady!" Alois' voice filled her ears.

Eris blinked a couple of times. Her head tilted as she stares blankly at her personal maid. She was too caught up with her thoughts that she unintentionally dived into the deepest part of her mind. Because of that, she got too immersed with the sudden memory that she had pulled up from her mind. A memory of her past that was too unclear and unrecognizable for her. The only thing that was vivid for her was their conversation, those pair of familiar amber eyes that looked at her with contempt, and the worried look etched on Harmonia's innocent face.

"My lady, are you alright? I've been calling you a few times already and you only kept on staring at me. Is there any problem?" Alois asked, her voice laced with worry.

Eris smiled at her as she placed her hand on top of her head, giving her a gentle pat. "I'm alright. I was just thinking of something important."

Alois didn't say anything else as she wanted her to be at ease for a moment. Sometimes, she feels like her master, Eris, was always drowning in her thoughts. She could feel the sad emotion welling in Eris' eyes whenever she looks at her. And because of that, she wanted to do anything that she could to help her master.

THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now