22: Chained and Detained.

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22 : Chained and Detained.


The masked knights brought the two divine ladies to a safe house located on the outskirts of the capital. They tied their arms and feet and placed them on each side of the dark room. Eris and Harmonia were still unconscious. They were sweating coldly, soft whines escaping their lips. It seemed like the two were having nightmares.

On the other room of the safe house, the three Cardinals gathered around a small table: Gabriel Cardinal Sinclair, Abaddon Cardinal Santoro, and Sariel Cardinal Immeldore. The three aren't really Cardinals, they were in fact the holy soldiers above that the empress summoned a few years ago. And amongst the three, Gabriel was the only one smiling. The other two looked bothered for some reasons.

"Redemption won't be granted to us if we continue with the plan," Sariel mumbled as he clasped his hands together.

"You're right, Sariel. But didn't we reserve our spot in hell already?" Gabriel smiled at them.

Abaddon and Sariel threw glances at one another before they looked at the other angel in front of them. Then the three burst out laughing, as if they were only doing a skit just a while ago for dramatic purposes.

"Anyway, what's the plan now?" Abaddon asked.

Gabriel was tapping his index finger on the table as he pretends to think. The three already planned their next move, they only wanted to catch the mole sniffing on their conversation right now.

"Should we burn the Church to kill everyone in there?" Sariel suggested.

"Yes, that's a good plan." Gabriel turned his head a little to the door. He was now sure where the mole was hiding when he heard a soft gasp.

He gave Abaddon the signal and Abaddon disappeared in a blink. The two continued to talk, as if to encourage the spy to listen to them more.


Gabriel tilted his head as he waited for Abaddon. He already caught the mole and is probably taking care of it right now.

"Surely, we can burn the whole empire down to the last monarch after we absorb the prophetic children," Gabriel said.

"Why didn't we plan that before?" Abaddon asked as he entered the door, dragging the dead man behind him.

"Because our divine powers weren't enough? You should use your brain more, Abaddon," Sariel answered, mocking him.

The two bickered, as usual, while Gabriel approached the lifeless man to absorb his soul. He needed to replenish his strength before they face the two prophetic children.


"It's time." Eris' eyes sprung open when a familiar voice rang in her head and woke her up.

Everything was dark that she wasn't able to see anything. All she knows was that her whole body feels restricted. She could feel a thick rope around her arms and feet. Eris' breath quickened. She could feel herself suffocating because of the darkness surrounding her. She grunted softly, pressing her eyes close as she tried to calm herself.

There was a dark, soothing coldness crawling from within her. Eris knew what it was, and she wanted to push it back, but she also knew how hungry it was for release. The sweet voice called for her and Eris gritted her teeth. Because of a memory that had flashed on her mind while she was unconscious, something was awakened within her.

The darkness was seeking destruction. It was her destiny after all, should she really stop herself even after witnessing the empire's greediness? Even the emperor was an enemy because of how he was turning a blind eye on everything. Shouldn't she just let the darkness consume her. Someone needed to retaliate in order for change to happen, that's what the sweet voice was whispering to her.

THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now