05: First Impressions Never Last, II.

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05 : First impressions never last, Part II.


The presence radiating from the lady of the Belladonna family and the Duke of Auberon was too warm that the nobles dancing around them kept on glancing at their direction. On the contrary, the two were too absorbed in their own world. Each thinking of different thoughts as they dance along to the dreamy music filling the Ballroom.

"Isn't that the Duke of Auberon?"

"I heard he always avoided going to banquets and dancing."

"I heard that too, but he looked like he's enjoying himself right now."

"Who's the lady with him?"

"That's the child of the prophecy, right?"

"Oh, yes! The kind lady from the House of Belladonna. She looked exceptionally gorgeous that I didn't recognize her quickly."

"I knew she was a beauty, but tonight she looked like a real goddess."

For some reasons, other than the annoying nobles gossiping beside them, Lurice could feel an ominous sensation behind him, as if someone's staring at him too intently that the person would be able to burn holes on his back. He leaned closer to Eris and Eris glanced sideways at him.

His lips leveled on her ear as he whispered, "It seems like I need to take the lady back to her family for the meantime. But I'll be sure to visit your residence tomorrow for the official engagement."

Eris tilted her head a little, as if she was peeking to the view behind Lurice. Her lips twisted into a curious pout when she saw, not just her father, but also her brothers standing beside the banquet table, glaring at them.

"I don't get it, Duke. But I guess that's the right thing to do for now," she whispered back.

"Aren't you close with the duke and your brothers?" His question made Eris looked up to him with a distant gaze.

Her shoulders shrugged. "Who knows."

Lurice wasn't the type to pry on to anyone's business, but the lady in front of her managed to pique his interest. And it was quite a thrilling sensation for him.

He held her hand as they walked towards the Belladonnas. Lurice greeted the Duke and Eris' brothers, and they did the same.

"I didn't know that the duke would go directly to my daughter before seeking permission from her father." Duke Belladonna's face hardened as he stared at his daughter's hand that Duke Auberon was holding.

"I was charmed by Lady Belladonna's beauty that I've forgotten about the formalities. But I'll be sure to remember that next time, Duke."

The atmosphere around the two Dukes felt too ominous, and Eris noticed that. She squeezed Lurice's hand gently before letting him go.

"Can I go home first, father? I think I'm done for tonight." Eris tried taking her father's attention from Lurice.

The duke tore off his gaze from the blonde man in front of him and spared a glance at his daughter.

'Come on, Duke. Let's just go home.'

"Let's all go home now. Pay our residence a visit anytime you'd like, Duke. We'll be welcoming you." Duke Belladonna smiled at him before bidding goodbye.

"I'll visit tomorrow. Have a safe trip, Eris." Of course, Duke Auberon did his best to piss him off as well.

If it was possible, Eris would want to smack both his father and Lurice's heads. They were both older the heads of their respective families, but they kept on bickering like small children.

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