15: Raven Black.

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15 : Raven Black.



Hueves, Setyembre 17, 1606.


Ever since the empire was built, nobles swarmed around us. They treated themselves as a kind of human that's higher than any of us yet humbled themselves in the presence of the emperor. But what is the truth? Do we really have to share the same beliefs and allow them to trample over us? Does their noble title give them the right to take advantage of us? Does this title of theirs give them any rights to take all the money that's supposed to be given to us?

Marquis Reynolds, a notable aristocrat known for giving generous donations to the charity, was caught embezzling the funds they have collected. As we all know, Marquis Reynolds stated that his wealth isn't just for him to use, and he even claimed that he shares a quarter of his wealth to charity. But a suspicious document was found in his office. It was the list of the money donated to the charity events. It turns out that this notable aristocrat was in fact hoarding all the money contributed by the other nobles. Stuffing them all to fatten pockets.

And other nobles were also caught evading the tax. While we, the common citizens of our beloved empire, struggle so hard to save up to pay the tax that these nobles imposed.

Does their title give them the right to violate our empire's law? Is the title of nobility everything in a human's life? If that's the case, then what will happen to us? What will happen to the common citizens building the deepest foundations of this empire?...



Vassals of the Holicrux gathered in the meeting room inside the Church. They looked pale and worried. The nobles just read the news from one of the local newspapers in the capital where one of them was featured. Marquis Reynolds. He was one of the avid supporters of the Charity events organized by the Church. However, all of them knew that the news written in the newspaper were all true.

Marquis Reynolds, despite the support he has given for Charity events, was in fact an alligator. He was someone who highly benefits whenever other nobles express great adoration in the Charity events they hold. The money he collected for the last three years were all accumulated from the funds of the Charity events he embezzled.

But his case wasn't the real reason why the vassals had gathered. It was because of the tax evasion that was mentioned in the same newspaper where the Marquis was featured. Truthfully, if this news reaches the emperor, he might make a move and investigate them all. They knew how the emperor was an incompetent ruler, yet they couldn't just shrug off the power he holds. If they were all discovered with that news, their titles will be endangered.

The buzzing nobles became silent when the representatives of the Holicrux entered. The two cardinals greeted them, and the nobles showed the same curtsy they did.

"We apologize for being tardy, our dear nobles." One of the Cardinals apologized.

Their meeting commenced after everyone took their seats.

"Your Eminence, have you read the news?" Count Olaf asked.

The white-haired Cardinal nodded his head. He leaned his back against the chair and looked at them with consideration

"We have expected this to happen, did we not? But why are we so surprised? We are all aware that there are moles hidden within our people."

"But how are we supposed to provide a solution for this, Your Eminence?" Marquis Quindecim inquired.

THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now