20: Harmonia Luan Lucrix.

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20 : Harmonia Luan Lucrix.


"Syl said that they were able to scare the Eidells," Sylver reported.

Harmonia sat on the edge of her bed. Today has been a tiring day for her because of the preparations they had to redo for the ceremony tomorrow. She brushed her jade her off her shoulders then a soft sigh escaped her lips.

"They'll try to do something to harm her back. Did she request us to do anything?" She asked, glancing over her shoulder.

Sylver sat on the chair near her window. He was wearing the same black suit he always wears, a matching outfit he and Syl wears. Sylver closed the book he was reading and placed it on the table beside him. He looked at her.

"Eris said not to do anything. She wanted the both of you to look like an easy target," he said with a shrug.

Harmonia couldn't grasp the plan Eris was trying to orchestrate, but to make sure she won't ruin anything, she has decided to just follow her lead. She got off her bed and went to her desk. Harmonia pulled the drawer on her desk to grab a plain parchment and her pen. She was thinking of writing the letter to His Majesty.

Somehow, Harmonia feels anxious. She already knew what will happen tomorrow because of her retained memories of the past. What's bothering her was the dream she had the other day. It was blurry for her that she wasn't able to remember anything. All she knew was the dream she had was part of her deleted past.

She could feel her head throbbing as she tries to think even more. After she wrote the letter, Harmonia folded it and handed it to Sylver after placing it inside the black envelope. Sylver already knew what to do next that he didn't bother asking her. Instead, he helped Harmonia to get back on her bed.

It has been years since the two knew each other. They met at a countryside church when Harmonia was 9, the time when she realized that she couldn't recall her memories when she was 6 years old. Sylver was the one who showed her of her future. Harmonia was reluctant to believe him at first, and it was too late when the lady finally realized that all of he has shown her was true.

His twin, Syl, couldn't really get a closer approach to Eris back then because of the people surrounding her secretly. The Duke of Auberon was one of the people watching Eris back then that it was too late when Syl finally got the chance to approach her.

The two were servants of the divine realm. A realm in the center of the dark and the light. They were the protectors of the children of divinity, those that were blessed by the God or the Lord of Hell. They were supposed to guard them in secret, but because of the Lord of Hell's interference, the two have decided to reveal themselves to the child of prophecies. Although truthfully, only one of the two ladies owned the real power of divinity that directly came from the God.

And the other was created from the excessive amount of divinity from the real prophetic child combined with the dark divinity of the Lord of Hell, which made them a set of twins. Harmonia knows that much, but she was unaware of the real prophetic child. Nevertheless, she doesn't really care about it, she only wanted to stop the greed of the empire. And Eris was like the family she unknowingly has but doesn't deserve.



Many people have gathered in the Church in the Empire's capital. Half that attended were devotee of the Church's religion while the other half only attended out of curiosity, and the rest were just there for formalities.

The family of the four ducal families were all present, including the twins of Duke Auberon. The four of them were wearing a royal blue matching outfits with a few jewelries to accentuate their beauties. Because Eris was part of the Church, she was requested to sit on the special chairs in front of the podium.

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