06: The Official Engagement.

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06 : The official engagement.


The servants in the dining hall felt nervous as they noticed the glares that the two Dukes are exchanging. Duke Auberon sat on the other side of the table, beside Duke Belladonna, where Sevan usually sits.

The seating arrangement in a noble's dining hall usually changes whenever another noble or a high-ranking empire official visit their household. The guest sits depending on his or her status.

And since Lurice was a Duke like Duke Belladonna, they're both in the same rank, which is why he is expected to take the seat beside the duke. And because the engagement had been made official today, Eris was required to sit beside the duke, her fiancé. Sevan and Ember then sat beside Caius on the other side of the table.

The current sitting arrangement wasn't bothersome, but Lurice's peculiar behavior was getting on the duke's nerves. Lurice kept on offering food to Eris, and Eris couldn't reject her so openly because of the eyes watching them. But the lady as well felt weird at the duke's trivial behavior.

Lurice, on the other hand, felt satisfied with his actions today. Earlier, before he left the Villa, his butler had given a report to him regarding the Belladonna's Residence. And upon reading the contents, he found out how Eris was being treated in this household. And that's how he decided to piss them off today.

"Stop that, Duke. I'm already full," Eris whispered, frowning at the fork that Lurice was holding.

"Is that so? Then good job," Lurice whispered back. He smiled nonchalantly as he focused on his own meal.

Eris could notice the unfamiliar expression on her brothers' faces as she glances at the other side of the table. They looked pissed, as if someone precious to them was about to be taken away. 'That's not me, right?' Eris chuckled inwardly.

She has nothing planned today, and since Duke Lurice visited their residence, she thought of discussing their marriage while he's around. The engagement and wedding procedures are still new to her that she's unsure of what she should do during the preparations.

Usually, the future wife will take bridal lessons in her future husband's residence. And there, she will be briefed regarding her future tasks as the future lady of the house. But on some other cases, no engagement ceremony happens to either part, only the marriage ceremony. For Eris, either way works for her since she'll be able to move out quickly with either of the choices.

"When are you planning to hold the engagement ceremony?" Duke Belladonna, her father, asked.

Eris glanced at Lurice and Lurice threw a glance at her as well. Her eyes widen when Lurice suddenly held her hand. Though, what surprised her the most was the words that came right out of his mouth.

"We'll get married two weeks from now."

As if to mimic her family's reaction from last time, a couple of utensils fell on the floor as her family stared at them in bewilderment. As if the Duke of Auberon had said something so surprising that everyone was caught off guard.

Well, it's not like getting married should be a surprising thing for anyone in that wretched empire, is it not?


"Master, are you sure about this? Aren't you rushing too quickly?" Addam asked as he heard his master's announcement.

Addam had been working as the duke's personal guard for seven years already and this was the first time that the duke had made a hasty decision. It was too unreal to the point of Addam wanting to question the duke if he was under an influence or if he was still sane.

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