16: Duchess Auberon.

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16 : Duchess of the Auberon Duchy.


It was a normal day in the Duchy of Auberon. Three days had passed since the two masters started spending more time together. It was the burning fire of their first night that ignited their interest in one another, but maybe even without that passionate night, the two will still feel a string pulling them closer.

The Duchy became a little brighter than usual. Normally, it was only the Duke of Auberon, Lurice, and his trusted servants who are around. His kids and niece weren't around because of some family issues. And also, because he was still cautious that his new wife might not like the idea of having kids around the estate. Which was wrong of him to think.

"Lurice," Eris called one morning. They were both spending their morning in the duke's office.

Lurice, who was busy with his paperwork, spared a glance at her. "Yes, wife?"

Eris blushed. She was still not used to that kind of endearment, but she quickly shrugged it off as well. "I heard you have kids. Where are they?"

Her grip tightened on her teacup as she watched him. Eris bit her lower lip when she noticed his grim expression. "I'm sorry. Was that a forbidden... um... question?" She asked.

'Does he hate his kids? I heard he hated his wife, but I didn't know that it would be possible to hate the kids...' There was a little frown on her forehead when her father suddenly popped on her mind.

Lurice removed his eyeglasses and placed it on top of his desk. Then he stood up and carefully went closer to her. "The truth is..." He made a quick pause as he knelt on one knee in front of her. Eris quickly placed her cup down and scrambled on her seat. She moved a little, giving him a bit of a space to sit. Lurice chuckled at her clumsiness then he shook his head.

"They are currently living with their grandparents. My late wife's parents," he answered as he held her hands.

Eris frowned a little at his weird gesture. 'Is he worried that I might dislike them?'

She leaned closer, pressing her forehead against his, taking the latter by surprise. "Kids their age doesn't usually grow up well if they will live separately with their parents." She squeezed his hand a little.

Lurice was a little hesitant as he stared back at her. "Are you saying that it's alright with you?"

She nudged his forehead with hers. He frowns a little. "Silly, you. You should always think of your children first, Lurice. Bring them here and we'll both take care of them. Like a real family." Eris' voice sounded gentle yet commanding.

And she was right. No child should be deprived from a parental affection and attention they deserve. Additionally, it was one of her desires as well. To be part of a family of her own.

Lurice felt something heavy being lifted from his chest. His late wife's parents are a problem, but if Eris would be fine with his kids around, then there's no point for him to stay idle. And for the nth time, she was right. It was wrong of him to think like that about his kids.

"Alright. I'll take care of it," Lurice assured her by kissing her forehead. But it seemed like Eris wasn't done poking at him.

"Are you worried of something?" She asked, cupping his cheeks, making him look at her.

Lurice heaved a sigh then he shook his head. It might look like he was saying no, but to Eris, it was already a clear answer to her.

'How do I tell her that they hate me?' It was an overthinking statement that usually kept him awake at night. And he couldn't get any clear answer from his children because of the physical distance between them. 'I have to at least find a way to separate them from their grandparents first.'

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