14: The First Night.

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14 : The First Night.



He found himself underneath her, kissing her back with the same hunger. Eris straddled his lap as she pushed herself closer to him. He knew it was her first time initiating a kiss, but her kisses felt too bold and enticing. Or maybe it was because of the alcohol lingering in her.

Lurice tried to gather his remaining self-control as he pushed her away. "Eris... You should sleep. You must sleep," he kept on reminding her, or himself, as he tried to peel her away from him.

"You don't want to spend the night with me?" She asked, her tone bearing a hint of dejection. Eris was half sober. She had just become a little more bolder and forward than her normal self because of the alcohol.

The heat she was feeling didn't subside. In fact, she was now fully aware of how much she desired him. So much for trying to ignore it for the past few weeks.

Lurice cupped her cheek then he leaned his face closer to hers. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked her back; he was slowly losing himself as well. Because of her enchanting scent and because of the alcohol taking effect on him.

And for once, he wanted to be sure of the choices he needed to pick. Eris, to him, was not someone or something he could just take even with the permission of marriage. He wanted her consent.

"Yes. I am sure of that," she whispered. And the last control that bound him was lost.

Eris wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms clung on his neck as they claimed each other's lips. She tilted her head and parted her lips, allowing for his tongue to invade her warm cavern. He carefully carried her to the bed while his tongue roamed inside her mouth, tasting every part of her. Eris moaned on his mouth as she felt a tickling sensation on her groin.

The heat of the room was becoming too much, along with the passion burning between them. Lurice broke away from the kiss to discard the thin clothes she was wearing. He stared at her nakedness, his hooded eyes admiring her beauty. It made her blush.

"S-Stop staring..." She pouted, trying to cover her naked body from his sneaky eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to appreciate how beautiful my wife is," he whispered softly, holding her hand gently.

The blush on her cheeks crept up as she watched how he placed her palm against his cheek then he leaned closer to her. "Am I allowed to say that I'm lucky to be your husband?" His voice felt sweet and gentle.

Eris bit her lower lip. She wasn't sure if they were only getting caught by the heat of the moment or if it was the alcohol, but her heart was beating frantically because of him.

"I told you not to bite your lips, Eris," he whispered, warning her as he brushed her lips off her teeth using his thumb.

She was unable to answer with words, so she cups his cheeks instead and pulled him closer. If it was the spur of the moment, then she'll gladly enjoy every second of it.

Eris claimed his lips again, kissing him gently. Lurice responded with a gentler touch. His kisses went down to her cheek as his hand travelled down between her thighs. Eris bucked her hips up, and a loud gasp escaped her lips when she felt his fingers rubbing against her warmth.

The gesture made her spread her legs. It was a foreign sensation for her, yet she allowed him to touch her sensually. Loud, ragged breaths brushed her lips and she almost scream when she felt his fingers thrusting slowly inside her. There was a gentle sting as her hole was being stretched by his thick fingers.

THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now