09: A Deal with The Devil.

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09 : A deal with the devil.


The atmosphere wasn't that heavy, yet something enchanting was accompanying it. Lurice's head felt light and at the same time, his body felt heavy. He was unsure why he was feeling that way. Or maybe it was because of the words that spilled out of the lady's lips.

"What exactly will you get from that deal, Eris?" He asked. Eris shrugged her shoulders then she leaned her body forward towards him as she keeps eye contact with him.

"Likewise, Lurice. What exactly will you get from marrying me?" Eris' heart pounded at her own question. Surely, she was aware that the latter would gain something more valuable other than the conditions that she had thought of already once they got married. 'Like getting his hands on some valuable information or document.'

Instead of giving her an answer right away, Lurice copied her and leaned his body forward towards her as well. His index finger and thumb cupped his own chin as he stared at her. His mind wasn't floating away, but it was occupied with a few thoughts. 'Should I consider her offer? She might turn out as a greater ally if we'll cooperate with each other.'

"I'll get access to a few things that my future wife has access to. Like the Church."

The grin on Eris' face widened. 'As expected.'

"I see. By making this deal with you, I'd be able to obtain a few arms and limbs that I can use to achieve my goal." Eris didn't need any vouch of loyalty and honesty since she already has the answer she needs.

"What if the arms and limbs you gain decided to stab you?" It was a possible outcome for trusting people so easily, but to Eris who experienced death once, that's not something she would be afraid of now.

"Surely, the Duke wouldn't take me away from the prison-like mansion I'm currently living in just to dispose me in his Duchy. You won't gain anything from that since I'm not loved by my family either." Those words came to pierce Lurice as if he had forgotten the things she experienced in her life. "You know, Lurice, our goals aren't that far apart from one another."

Lurice squinted his eyes at her. 'Is she suggesting that she knows something about me?'

"What do you mean, my lady?" Now things have gotten even serious on both sides.

"I mean, you can use me and my influence however you like or want and in return, I'll borrow your power and authority to achieve my goal. My goal won't be a hindrance with what you desire to achieve, in fact, it's also something that can help you forge the path to victory. I'm sure of that, my duke."

Lurice felt like he was being offered a luxurious drink laced with poison. That if he consumes it, he'll die, and even if he'll only get a whiff of the poison's scent, he'll still receive a painful end. Although, despite all of that, he was sure enough that the pain would be worth it.

'I wonder why I feel like I'm willing to take the poison right in front of me...'

"Then, shall we discuss our goals after the marriage?" He suggested.

Eris nodded her head. "I'm glad that you're considering the deal."

Lurice's hooded eyes hovered over her mysterious pair then he stood up. He wasn't feeling suspicious over her, but he was deeply curious about her goals and what she was really aiming for.

"I'm accepting it, my lady. Shall we seal our deal?" He whispered softly as he lowered his head closer to hers.

A faint pinkish tint formed on her cheeks at their sudden closeness. It was a cute reaction that Lurice had the urge to tease her more.

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