19: The Eidells and The Twins, III.

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19 : The Eidells and the Twins, Part III.



The Eidell couple were busy checking the small mart. Their knight followed behind them as they looked around, checking almost every store they could see. Surely, the two won't dare to look at the stalls near them because that would look humiliating for a pair of nobles like them.

In the middle of their shopping spree, a shop of jewelries caught their attention. The items displayed on the shop looked luxurious enough that it might milk their pockets because of its expensive price. Nevertheless, the Baroness still insisted to visit the store. To at least look inside and probably window shop.

Their knight stood in front of the shop's door to wait for his master. Their eyes twinkled as they entered the jewelry store. It was more extravagant inside than what they saw outside. Even the shop keeper looked dazzling like the jewels. The shop keeper was a man that looked like he's in his mid-20s. Tall with broad shoulders, long black hair tied in a low ponytail, and his crimson eyes framed in a rectangular eyeglass.

The shop keeper who introduced himself as 'Syl' approached the couple. He smiled enticingly to them. "What might a wonderful pair of couple, such as yourselves, would like?"

The Baroness blushed. "Oh, dear. We're only looking," she said, stuttering. 'Is this their marketing strategy? It's convincing...'

The Baron beside her frowned when he noticed his wife's weird gaze towards the man, as if she was somehow attracted to him. The Baroness ignored her husband and listened to the shop keeper's cool voice instead.

"Oh, but we have here discounted items that might be up to your liking." Syl showed a collection of discounted and sale jewelries to the couple.

The Baroness' eyes glimmered in delight as she saw a one-of-a-kind gemstone dangling on the jewelries. On her mind, she was eager to own one or three of those items.

When the two were speechlessly mesmerized by the jewelries, the man thought that it was time to proceed to the next step. "I think we have more of them in the stock room. Let me just fetch them for you," Syl smiled. He bowed to them then he went inside the stock room, leaving the two couple beside the counter.

Ten minutes passed, then 30 minutes, but the shop keeper haven't returned yet. It almost felt like the two couple has been abandoned inside the store.

"Where did that man go?" The Baron asked curiously as he tried to peek inside the stock room.

The Baroness was still staring at the jewelries. Somehow, she felt as if the jewelries were calling on to her, asking for her to take them. "Should we take them?" Her voice was low, but her husband heard her.

He turned to her, surprised at her words. "You must be out of your mind! Let's leave now."

The two argued in front of the jewelries. It took them some time before the Baroness was convinced to leave. But before the two could even take one step away from the counter, black smokes appeared inside the shop. It covered the shop's glass window, hiding them completely from outside's sight.

The two trembled as the atmosphere turned eerie. The light coming from outside and the lamp were also covered by the black smokes, making it harder for the two to see. They could almost feel the hairs on their bodies standing to its end when they heard a low, frightening voice filling the room.

"Should I be more polite in greeting the two of you?" A silhouette of a woman appeared in front of them. The surrounding was still dark, but because of her small built, they were both sure that it was a woman standing in front of them.

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