25: Epilogue.

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25 : Epilogue.


The nobles had been completely saved and the three were the only ones remaining inside the Jade Palace. The two divine ladies have been playing with the monstrous angel, as if showing him that he was stronger than the two combined. And that fed his monstrous ego.

"You can never beat me! Only death can do so!" Gabriel shouted then he bursts out with a loud, menacing laugh.

The two were starting to get tired of the game and instead of fighting back, they urged him to absorb their divine powers instead.

"Gladly," Gabriel smirked as he pierced the two with his thick threads and began absorbing their divine powers.

Meanwhile, Duke Auberon and Duke Belladonna had ordered the knights to search through the Church and the Imperial Palace. It was the best time to hit all the vital parts of their enemies.

They had ordered Caius and Sevan to help Eris and Harmonia, but the two came back empty handed.

"There was no entrance to the palace anymore," Caius reported.

The two Dukes ran to the opposite sides of the Jade Palace, desperate to find an entrance and go to where Eris and Harmonia were.

Unfortunately, the two came back bearing the same news. Lurice was starting to panic. He could feel the urge to slaughter the nobles he had saved in exchange of leaving his wife to face that monster.

"What was the purpose of saving those greedy junks if I can't save her too?" He breathed heavily, his pupils shaking as he looked at the crumbling palace.

His heart sank when they heard a loud explosion coming from the palace and the next thing was the whole building collapsing.

"No..." He uttered, breathless as he watched the dust fill the sight in front of them.

His hand clenched tightly around the handle of his sword as he slowly turned to face the scared nobles behind them. He was on the verge of losing his mind and attacking them when he heard Eris' voice coming behind them.

"Lurice! Quickly!" She called again.

Lurice instantly let go of his sword, a loud clanking stunning the nobles, then he run towards the thick dust. He quickly helped Eris who was injured and carrying an unconscious Harmonia.

Sylver instantly appeared beside them and quickly held Harmonia.

No words came out of Eris' lips, and she could only cry as she held onto her husband.


It has been more than a month since that incident happened. Apart from the death of Gabriel were the downfall of the Church and the execution of the Holy Empire's believers. Even the nobles who had made a deal with the Church out of their greediness were arrested and thereby executed.

The Ducal Houses of Belladonna and Auberon were given a reward by the emperor. They were even offered the position and title as the Swords of the Empire in which the two houses rejected.

Instead of getting a position or title, the two Ducal Houses proposed a mission to take down the remaining believers of the Holy Empire to avoid the gruesome sacrifices of children. The emperor approved the proposal and formed a secret group of skilled knights to complete the task.

The two divine ladies were given rewards as well, Harmonia, who had died at the scene was greatly honored by creating a statue of her, while Eris received the Saintess title. She was also urged to build a church for people who believed in divinity.

Not much had happened after those specific events. After the destruction of half the empire, the emperor had rebuilt it while honoring the voices of the common people.


"Mommy!" Valentyne run towards Eris and Eris laughed as she caught him. Val quickly hid behind their mother, hiding from his twin Lys.

"That's not fair, Val! You shouldn't use mother as your shield," Lysander pouted as he reached the two. He was panting as he pouted even more when Val teased him.

"Val, your brother is right, you shouldn't use your mother as a shield. Your younger sibling might cry inside her womb," Lurice said as he scooped Lys up. The youngest of the twin giggled as he hugged his father, making Val unintentionally jealous.

"I want to be carried too," Val pouted as he moved closer to them.

Lurice smiled and kneeled to carry the two of them on his arms. They were still young that he was still able to carry them both.

"Are we getting another brother?" Lys asked.

"I want a younger sister," Val requested.

Eris chuckled as she went closer to them. "We'll have to wait for the baby to come out first," she said then wrapped an arm around her husband's waist.

"Masters, your guests have arrived," Mangroove, the head butler, announced.

Lurice placed the twins down then he kissed his wife on the cheek. "Let's go meet them," he said as he guided her to the greenhouse.

There was a small celebration for the baby on her tummy that they invited important persons in their lives, that includes Eris' family. She was still hesitant to invite them every now and then, but it had been proven that they were brainwashed even before. Anyway, she shrugged that off since she already has a family where she belongs to, and to her, that was more than enough.

"It's been a while. I truly missed you, Eris," the short-haired lady said as she hugged Eris.

Eris pouted at her as she hugged her back. It has only been a month since the lady moved into a far away land. But since then, she had missed her like a real sibling.

"I missed you too, Harmonia," she said.

The lady chuckled at her then pinched Eris' cheek. "I told you, it's not Harmonia anymore. Call me Luna," she corrected her.

"Fine. It's been a while, Luna," Eris repeated, calling Harmonia with her new name.

Truthfully, Harmonia didn't die. It was their plan to fake her death. Harmonia really wanted to live a normal life and so, Eris proposed a plan to fake kill her during the fight with Gabriel. That's also the reason why they were both playing with Gabriel during the battle with him.

Eris still cringe whenever she recalls the part where she had to carry Harmonia and cry her eyes out for their plans to be believable.

And since then, Harmonia had always been thankful to her that she even vowed to name her eldest daughter after Eris.


"And that's how they all lived happily ever after. Finally," The woman closed the book as soon as she read the ending part.

"I really like that story, mama," her daughter muttered as she rubbed her eyes. The child was starting to feel drowsy because of the story that was read to her.

"Let's sleep for now. We could read another story tomorrow," her mother said then carried her gently to the bed.

The child only nodded as she hugged her mother's neck. Her eyes closed as her mother hummed a lullaby for her.

"Sleep well, my dear Medea," she whispered. The woman stared at the painting of a mother and daughter on the wall as she lulled her to sleep.

THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now