17: The Eidells and The Twins, I.

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17 : The Eidells and the Twins, I.


"Wouldn't this be your fault?!" The elder woman screamed as she threw the porcelain vase to him.

Lurice clenched his hands, forming into fists as he tried holding himself back. He couldn't fight back since the other was older than him and maybe because he believed all the facts she was spouting at him.

"Calm down, dear," the elder man, Baron Eidell said, trying to calm his wife down. But the elder woman couldn't care less. Despite knowing that the kids were watching, she continued to accuse her son-in-law.

"If you paid attention to her, then she wouldn't have to commit such insolence! She wouldn't die so horribly!"

Lurice sighed. Indeed, it was his fault for not paying attention to her, but what could he do when he couldn't really give his heart to her. He was sure that she was satisfied and happy with the allowance she was getting every month. He was sure of that because of that certain smile she shows whenever she spends her money for those luxurious things. So, is it his fault that the woman still had the guts to sleep with another man other than her husband? But the elder woman in front of her, his wife's mother, was blaming him of everything. Something he couldn't argue with. How does he gather evidence for this to prove his innocence?

"I'm taking the children with us." The Baroness declared.

He frowned.

"But you can't do that, mother-in-law. It is my right and responsibility to take care of my children." He faced her with a firm look on his face.

Baroness Eidell scoffed at him. "Then take responsibility of them. I'll bring them in our estate. You can take them back once they grow older. I don't believe you are fit to take care of your little kids."

Lurice was taken aback. He was a Duke, but he couldn't refute a Baroness' rudeness because somehow, she was right. Or that's what she was making him think. His melancholic gaze darted on his sons. They were still young to understand any of their words, but maybe if they both could talk, they could at least oppose their grandmother's decision. Something he couldn't do yet.


The Eidell's Manor was the quietest estate in the small county in the outskirts of the capital. It wasn't because of the few people that lived there, but it was because of the strictness of the wife of the Baron. The Eidell couple has two children that they've been taking care of for the past two years. They were the twin sons of their late daughter, the former Duchess of Auberon, Lady Violet.

"Have you seen grandfather earlier, Lys?" The younger of the twins asked.

His older twin brother shook his head. "Did you see something, Val?"

They both have the brightest silver pair of eyes and a reddish-brown hair that they got from their mother. Even with the different color of their hair, the two still resembles their father a lot, like a spitting image of him.

The two were having a small chitchat beside one another when their tutor caught them. The tutor smacked his ruler stick on the desk, catching the twins' attention.

"I believe I forbade the both of you of talking in the middle of the class. You do know that it's not proper etiquette, right?" The tutor said as he approached them.

The two looked up to him, fear clouding their silver eyes.

"Arm," he commanded.

Valentyne, the eldest twin, quickly stood from his seat and went forward. He was shaking in fear, yet he tried to look tough in front of his younger twin. "It was only my fault. Please spare my younger brother," he pleaded, bowing his head to him.

THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now