Chapter 26 : Small Things

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I woke up early on a Saturday (WFH has messed up my sleep cycle big time!) Anyways, so I thought why not work on taking this story ahead to the part where.....! ;)

Anika silently walked out of the room, towards the dining area. The furniture of the farmhouse had been tastefully designed and placed. During the wedding all the furniture had been moved to the out house but now it was all in place and it looked perfect. The farmhouse was different from the Oberoi Mansion. It had more of a modern taste in it's interiors. 

She reached the table to find Shivaay there, seated with his laptop before him. A servant had come to summon her for dinner. She had walked into the dining area quietly, however he looked up at her as though he had heard the silence, loud and clear. Just like always, he knew when she was around.

The dinner was a silent affair. Anika simply looked on how he busily watched the screen while eating. It was a first again. She had never seen him work at dinner table as such. He had clear boundaries between personal life and work life. 

Shivaay had never had such a messy thought process in his head. There were way too many emotions for him to keep track of. He didn't like Anika's childhood friend or the rapport they shared. He was cross at Anika for seeing him like a law flouting criminal. Fine, he did have power  and he did influence the local police. Yes, he did have a gun. But everything aside, how could she not see he did everything for her, for her well being. 

He wouldn't take a life. No way. But he surely believed in making people's life hell if they deserved it. That Shwetlana deserved to rot in hell. 

It was when Anika was retiring to the room to rest, that his voice stopped her. 


She slowly turned around to find him approaching her. Once he was close enough his hand reached out to pull up hers. He placed a tiny moon, the tiny hanging from her bracelet, on her palm. "Your moon!"

Anika simply stared awestruck into his eyes. He had found it? In that moment of panic, when she was being forced inside the cat, she had done the most ridiculous thing. Tugged at her bracelet and dropped the tiny piece of it in hope that he would find it. In retrospect, she had found it a very silly thing to do. After all, who would spot a tiny little piece of a bracelet?

"I found it," he said softly. "It was a very good idea but a very futile execution."

"But you found it, anyway!" She replied gazing down at her palm. How did her moon always end up with him?

"Actually, on the CCTV I had caught your action."

Anika nodded, her gaze falling on his bandaged palm. "You changed the dressing," she said pointing to it.

Shivaay followed he graze and looked at his plam. He was suddenly reminded of the dull pain and burn. "It's okay," 

"No, it's not. I will help you with. Where's the first aid?"

Shivaay looked at her. 

"First aid box?" She repeated staring at him adamantly. He pointed behind her to the side table. She turned around and followed his direction. Shivaay smiled. He had changed his dressing two hours back. But he wasn't going to tell her that. 

Shivaay sat on the chair while Anika stood before him, the first aid box laid open on the table. Anika gently unwrapped the old dressing. She scrunched up he rinse at the smell of the ointment. She was about to dip the cotton into the antiseptic liquid to clean his wound when he held her wrist.

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