Chapter 16 : Flustered Feelings

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"Done talking?" Shivaay asked looking up when Anika entered the room from the balcony. 

She nodded. Shivaay had noticed that she went back to her silent zone. Maybe it was the awkwardness after their brief moment of intimacy last night, or how they had woken up in the morning. Her family had called and obviously they were more interested to talk to her than him. It felt annoying when his family didn't trust him. He had heard her repeat more than once that she was okay.

"Let's go then?" He asked looking at her. They had already finished breakfast. Any other day Shivaay would have stuck to his room and attended a few remote review meetings while being around the hotel premises. However, now that he had seen Anika's excitement at the airport upon hearing Udiapur, he had decided to take her for some sightseeing.

"Where are we going?" She asked curiously.

"It's a beautiful city, there's a lot to see." He said with a smile and got off the bed.

Anika's eyes followed him, thoughtfully. He had worn a sweater on his checkered shirt and he looked different, in a nice way. Anika picked up her bag and put her jacket into it. She had worn one of the anarkali dresses that Pinky had given her. It had full sleeves so, hopefully she wouldn't need the jacket but to avoid a situation like last night she decided to carry it.

Never even in her dreams had Anika thought that there would be a day when she would be driven around the beautiful city of Udaipur in a premium car or across majestic lakes in a special ferry. Her ears still felt weird hearing the word Maam being used for, every now and then. Well, who ever knows what plans fate has for them. 

Shivaay would every now and then tell her about the other palaces of the city and how the different kings had made them. Eventually, leading the talk upto business and how other powerful hotel groups had also converted the palaces into heritage hotels. Anika hadn't really witnessed Shivaay so eager about something other than his stocks or his kitchen. Maybe his business was his passion. 

But being there, having his attention, was different. He shared his thoughts with her on various things. The fact that she just nodded or hummed in response, didn't deter him. Anika was way too surprised to find out about the talkative Shivaay. No wonder he made a good businessman. He knew how to keep the listener interested in what he said by the way he said it. He made complex things aound simple.

"What do you want to have for lunch?" He asked as they walked out of the garden to the car.

"Anything is fine."

"Rissoto?" He asked with a smirk, knowing she didn't know what it meant.

Anika frowned. She looked at him puzzled. What did that mean? She was definitely hungry and if he was in the mood of having some fancy named dish that was nothing but raw vegetables put together she wasn't going to tolerate that. "Maybe a normal thaali would do!" She said. 

"Thaali, well thaali it is." He said with an amused expression.

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