Chapter 10 : Bordering Despair

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Shivaay stood at the side, when the doctor redid Anika's bandage. His heart felt he burn and a spasm of pain contorted his face seeing the ugly wound. At the very moment Anika's eyes darted in his direction. In the snap of a second their gazes locked. He observed the slightest movement of her face muscles. This feeling in his heart was only growing. The feeling of helplessness, churned with guilt and regret.

"There you go." The doctor spoke causing the two of them to abruptly break the eye contact. "Keep this on for two days. On the third day you can get rid of this. The scar may look horrible, I am prescribing fish oil. May be slightly pungent but it will work like magic." The doctor smiled. "You're a very brave woman, Anika." The grey haired man spoke in admiration. "With the years of experience I have, women throw a lot of tantrum wincing and go absolutely crazy worrying over scars. You have walked through hell smiling." He smiled. 

Shivaay's lips formed into an automatic curve. The doctor was indeed right. He had literally seen her be through hell and emerge out smiling. 

"Shivaay, I think you must go in for a CT--" Before the doctor could complete Shivaay cut him off looking at him squarely in the eyes.

"It's just that, I skipped medicines. I promise it wouldn't happen again. I am quite okay." The doctor simply nodded walking away. 

"Let's go, shall we?" He spoke looking at her. She was staring at him seemingly curious. "Anika, umm, why don't you buy these at the pharmacy downstairs. I will quickly go collect my report." Saying that he placed the prescription paper and his debit card in her hand. She stared at him. Something wasn't right. He was looking everywhere around her while speaking. He leaned forward and whispered the pin into her ears and walked away with hurried steps with the guard trailing behind him. Anika glanced at the guard who was following her. Suddenly, a gripping fear was seizing her heart. What was Shivaay Singh Oberoi upto?

She did as she was told and waited in the lobby. It was weird. She stared at his debit card in her hand. It was a very small gesture for him perhaps. But to Anika it was both weird and unnatural. Her reports read her name as Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi. It was overwhelming in a way Anika couldn't comprehend. To suddenly have a name tailing behind hers, was hitting hard. She couldn't pinpoint how exactly she felt. But it was weird. 

She saw him approaching from a little distance away. This confusion was more troublesome. How could she hate and yet be concerned about someone? Especially, when that someone was the person who had wronged her in more than one ways. "You..." he asked when Anika simply held up his card. He glanced at it and then at her and slowly took it. She turned away. He sighed and understood she didn't want to talk. They began walking towards the exit.

Shivaay was worried inside while he showed a calm exterior. Their were a few abnormalities in his  blood pressure, platelets count and ECG. Yes, he had skipped medicines and still believed it must have been due to that. However, the doctor had given him a warning. It was as though his life was slipping out if his hands like sand. He had no control. 

He was walking lost in his thoughts. The commotion around him had faded into oblivion. The doors were wide open and patients from an accident were being rolled in surrounded by volunteers, traffic policemen and hospital attendants.  Shivaay stepped aside absentmindedly, more pushed, only to collide into Anika. She held him immediately lest he fell over the side benches. He was rudely propelled out of his thoughts and stared at her. People rushed past them. He noticed her jerk her left hand away and shake it vigorously. 

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