Chapter 25 : Fear & Love

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Note - This is Friday's Update, delivered a little bit early because I may have a super busy day tomorrow!

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Conversation had moved from their present to their past in a jiffy. Yashraj had been adopted by a widow before she had been taken in by Saahil's father. 

Anika didn't have it in her to tell Yashraj that she had run away from the orphanage in search for her sister. 

She didn't remember everything but she knew Chutki had been sent away. Where? Anika didn't know. Anika remembered very little of her childhood. She had no memory of her father whatsoever. But her mother, yes, a little bit. She remembered that her mother wore cotton sarees. The sound of anklets remained her of her mother. But face, no. She didn't remember. 

After separating from Chutki, Anika had met Yashraj. The only person she liked in that place. They had become good friends. She was twelve or thirteen when Yashraj had been adopted.

After Yashraj had left her too, she had set out to find her sister. Days later, Saahil's father had found her in a very exhausted, pale state outside a temple and had taken her home. Anika had gotten used to separations by the time Saahil's father lost battle to cancer. After that, Saahil became her world and she his. 

Chutki was a secret that would probably die with her. A bittersweet emotion consumed Anika at the thought. 

Anika was proud of Yashraj's achievements. He had majored in psychology and was currently with the special bureau of the Crime Investigation Department. He told her how his stepmother had passed away when he was still in his second year at college. 

Somewhere, Anika felt she was the only one who hadn't achieved anything in her life. She was just merely making ends meet. 

Chutki had a life of her own, Raj had also accomplished so much in life. Even Saahil was performing well academically in his new boarding school. What had she achieved?

Maybe this was a wake up call. To live her life for herself. Make something out of her life. 


She looked up distracted from her thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?"

She shook her head slightly, thinking of something to say when he spoke up again."Let me guess, about your husband?"

That took Anika back to one of her hanging thoughts, she looked up at Yashraj. "Raj, what was he saying about shooting a woman. What did he do?"

He looked at her amused, keeping aside the now empty bowl. "Well, nothing that you should worry about. But yes, he threatened to kill Shirpra."

"Shipra who?" Anika muttered baffled and then quickly a wave of understanding crossed her face, and she answered the question she had asked, "Shwetlana!"

"He shot a bullet at the window!"

"He what!" Anika exclaimed, her eyes widening. Just the image of Shivaay with a gun in his hand, and not just holding, shooting, was messing her mind. A fear squeezed her heart as she remember how at the mere snap of his fingers he had sent a car blowing up into fire.

"Anika, relax." He said gently placing his palm on hers. 

He took a deep breath and began, "Don't be mad at me, please. But for some reason this man, your husband, didn't sem right to me. I had this weird feeling that you're not happy with him."

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