Chapter 19 : Little Things

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"Why don't you stay for a few more days?" Suggested Naani after the dinner as she sat in the courtyard hand stitching some garment. Shivaay had never really seen her do nothing. She constantly found some or the other work around the house to keep herself busy with. That was one of the very very few things he liked about his maternal grandmother.

"Won't be able to, Naani. I am on work trip. I have long travel ahead."

"Okay. I would have definitely loved if you stayed longer. But work is worship so you must out that first. It's good that Anika is traveling with you, she can take care of you. There must be so much to take care of, on your plate, to even think about yourself."

Shivaay looked up irked at that. He didn't need someone to take care of him. He knew very well how to do that. But what caused more irritation was the fact that his Naani's words were trying to imply that he was taking Anika around as his caretaker. This was one of the many things he despised about his maternal grandmother. It was beyond him, why his grandmother reduced the women to caretakers of family, home, husband and nothing more.

"Naani, I--"

"Yes, he has a lot of work." Anika quickly spoke up. 

Shivaay glanced at their gazes locking.

"Anika, you must never interject when someone is speaking, especially when it's your husband." Naani said with her classic sugar coated smile.

Anika nodded and looked back at Shivaay to find his hand forming into a fist on the side. She knew that expression. She had seen it multiple times before. The expression of the internal conflict. 

But what warmed her heart was, it was for her.

"Naani, I must say that you're still very old fashioned in your thoughts. But honestly, I don't think I mind if Anika interrupts what I say. I am sure if she decided to that she'd have good reason. Anyways, I think we'll call it a night. See you in the morning." Saying that he got on his feet. 

"Shivaay," his Badi Maami was ready to reprimand when Naani shook her head. 

"Let it be, Sujata! Good night, beta!"

Shivaay briefly nodded and looked at Anika. She quickly got off the cot and softly wished everyone good night.

There was utter silence once they entered their room. Shivaay shut the door and locked it. His mood had turned bitter. This was exactly why he hated being here. This place was way too toxic to be in. 

"I am sorry, Anika. I should have convinced mom to spare us from being here." He walked and sat on the bed while Anika's thoughtful gaze followed him.

"And," he turned to look at her. "What was the point of stopping me?" He asked annoyed.

"You have a tendency to react impulsively and out of proportion when you get pissed." Anika pointed out as she picked up the suitcase and placed it on the bed. 

Shivaay scoffed, "If I did, I would have walked out of there without saying a word. It's just that they are mom's family and indirectly mine."

Anika glanced at him and then continued to pull out her night clothes. 

"I can't believe they can be so backward. I mean, I understand that Naani has been brain washed by this society for too long. But what about others? None of them even close to try to make her understand that things have changed."

"Everyone has their own belief system. I mean, you have yours too. It's not necessary what's wrong to others is wrong to you. Same way you may find it all wrong but it may be the right thing in their eyes. Besides, it's a matter of one day. Earth wouldn't have stopped spinning if you didn't retaliate."

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