Chapter 14 : A Glimpse

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The drive to Pune was scenic. The roads were laid amidst the Ghats. Shivaay hadn't ever in his wildest imagined that he would be driving with his wife through the scenic ghats, with romantic Bollywood hits playing. Somehow a sense of satisfaction filled him to see Anika by his side. It was odd, no doubt. 

In approximately ninety minutes, they were at Pune airport. "Where are we going?" Anika asked stepping closer to him. She had never before been to an airport forget about traveling in an airplane. The first time see had seen a chopper was when she had met Shivaay on that blocked road. 

"Udaipur." He had answered only to notice her eyes go wide.

 "Udaipur!" She whispered. He smiled nodding. Anika's excitement was slowly making a comeback. She hadn't felt excited for days. They were going to Udaipur! She had seen so many pictures and heard so much about the city of lakes. Save that for later..she was going to travel in a plane. Like she'd be in air... "this way..," he instructed and she nodded following him.

She was silently observing. Why on earth was he leaving their bags? He didn't even tell the staff member where they were going or their seat number. What if he sent the bag to the wrong seat number? "Shivaay..our bags.." she shrieked and a baffled Shivaay turned to her. 

"You need something?" 

Anika looked at him perplexed now. "All my things are in there." Billu ji seemed to have gone nuts. 

"Yeah so?" He asked confused.

"So why did you give the bags to coolie? You didn't even tell him our seat number." She reasoned and Shivaay's jaw dropped. Coolie? An expression of amusement colored his face. 

"You haven't traveled by air before!" he smiled speaking to himself more than to her. "I will explain" he spoke slipping his arm around hers and walking her aside. 

"Anika, that person has our booking number. He generates our boarding pass. Which is like the ticket we show to the TC in train. Our baggage is put into a separate section of the plane. We don't carry our luggage on us. When we land, we can collect our baggage. It's simple as that."

"Then what about this..?" Anika asked confused pointing to her handbag. "That is called the carry-on luggage. Personal and light stuff like that and laptop bags like stuff, we can carry with us. The luggage which is heavier and bigger is given as check-in luggage."

Anika had her doubts but for now she was convinced and nodded. "Do you have any sharp object in that like nail cutter or knife? They aren't allowed. Juice bottles also are not allowed if they are...wait do you see that," he pointed to the television screen giving a visual display of items prohibited. "All of that is not supposed to be carried in this bag." 

"Oh!" Anika muttered while reading carefully. 

"Shall we proceed?" He asked looking at her. She nodded. She was taken by surprise when he held her hand and led her ahead. She was trying hard to -not settle. But this situation was somehow settling. She was getting used to the fact that they were married. That they were a couple. The fact was now, slowly, beginning to reflect in their actions. Just like his name followed hers. Like, they slept on the same bed. Like they are together. Like, he was always there...for her.

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