Chapter 27 : Wedding On Cards?

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It's Tuesday! Have a good time reading! ;)

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When you go one day a a time, nothing seems to have changed but when you look at the series of days that you've left behind, everything changes. However, there are some things that remain stuck even as time passes by. 

Human emotions, they either dwindle with time or deepen. For Shivaay, there were emotions that had deepened to the extent that they were etched in his soul. 

Ninety five days had gone by. This was probably the longest he had gone without seeing his family. He had taken up the work responsibilities that generally were taken care by his father. His father still oversaw the factories they owned in Delhi. Shivaay wasn't going to let his father deal with any more work stress. So he had requested his father to take up the inspection of hotels in South India instead. Shivaay knew his father just wouldn't take a holiday and not work. Their thinking matched in that arena. However, his father deserved a change of air and some time off the work tension to take care of his dwindling health.

His mother was more than happy to travel with his father. That way his father would have company and Pinky a vacation. However, Shivaay had made sure the travel didn't get tiresome for his parents. In that direction, he had purposefully stretched out the itinerary through a month covering only three hotels. 

Shivaay stared at the wall lost in his thoughts. He had to admit that he actually missed Anika. There were times, when vague memories he had made with her would come to him out of no where. They came and went like waves. At times touching him and leaving his eyes wet and at other going away quickly without having much of his attraction.

He sighed, and sat back on the couch his mind going back to the day, almost three months back, when they had made the decision. 

~ ~ ~

"Daadi, I don't think Anika is happy with me. I did everything as you said. I have tried to ask for forgiveness but she's not ready to forget. What if I am only hurting her more by holding on tho this marriage?" Shivaay said thoughtfully.

His grandmother looked at him, her face was marked with sadness. "Billu, forgiveness doesn't come easy. Did you talk to her? Did she tell you that she doesn't want to be held in this marriage?"

Shivaay sighed, gently massaging his grandmother's foot. 

"Daadi, Anika is very different from me. She was never happy with this marriage and maybe she'll never be. Perhaps this marriage suffocates her. Maybe this marriage is forcing her to be someone she is not." He took a pregnant pause before saying, "Daadi, I think we should part ways. There's no point of a marriage when two people can't look at each other without any negative emotions."

"What about Anika, Billu? What does she think? Maybe she thinks.."

"I think the same way, Daadi!" Came a voice from the door. 

Their gaze flew to the doorstep of the room. Shivaay's heart monetarily sank when he saw the fierce expression on her face. It only hinted that she was angry. How much had she heard? Did she hear half of it and make her assumptions again? Off late, she did that a lot. 

"Anika," the old lady cried out in alarm.

"I also think that this relationship has no meaning, it's only namesake, more of a burden." 

Shivaay stared down at his grandmother's feet. Those words hurt. What he shared with Anika was way more meaningful than a friendship or any relationship. How could she say it had no meaning? It meant so much!

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